MovieChat Forums > Ally Walker Discussion > What happened to Ally´s career after Pro...

What happened to Ally´s career after Profiler ?

I know , she married and got 3 kids . But other actresses have also big families and manage to have a career . Don´t get me wrong , I love Ally Walker , she´s my fave and I admire her a lot , especially in her role as Sam Waters in Profiler .
But after Walker left the show , she always hinted her move to the big screen ....and now I don´t even see her on the small screen . Only now and then she pops up ( for a short time ) and disappears again .
It´s strange , that after Profiler her career took such a low profile . Sad , because she´s such a fine actress .


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I absolutely agree with you, but I think it's a matter of choice, on her part. Sadly, it's a big loss for us, because she is as talented as she is beautiful.


i reallly think that profiler was one of the finest acting on tv. i mean, you could feel how freakyyy ally was. i mean, the way she behaved etc, it was cool!!


She climbed into the Tidy Bowl Man's boat and someone pulled the handle.

It's rather tough to grab the porcelain when you're spinning around.

There were rumors during Profiler that she was a bit of a pill to deal with, both with the other cast and with TPTB (The Powers That Be) on the other side of the camera.

If it's true, then it's understandable. It doesn't matter how gifted you are in a group situation if you can't get along with everyone else. There are times when it's impossible to predict or deal with, but that can only go so far.

If Julia Roberts was a pain to deal with, either someone would have to bite their tongue(s) or the Executive Producers might have to work a little overtime to figure out how to cope.

Personally, I thought the early episodes were great, but after some time, she become rather stale. (I thought) Her bit parts in "While You Were Sleeping" were better than the series under discussion.

My Trunk Monkey can beat up your Trunk Monkey


The rumors you heard were just rumors. Listen to robert davi's talk in the first season insight episode on the first box set, he said everyone got on great. As for ally leaving that too is covered by Ally herself. She said that she was a new mum in a new marriage and was very tied with the hours she had to keep while she was working on profiler, plus she did not like the way the writing of the show was going.


Did she leave the Profiler or was she fired or something?


It was her choice. She was a new mother, she had a new husband.
