The problems with Tom Green and why he couldn't sustain his own popularity were:
A) He was a niche comedian who was badly overexposed, especially when he aligned himself with Drew Barrymore.
B) His schtick was very one-dimensional. He couldn't really do street pranks once he started becoming too recognizable, which goes back to the first point. Also it seemed like all that Tom Green was good for as a comedian was screaming and offering abrasiveness, gallows humor, and randomness-for-randomness-sake. It seemed like he was incapable or too stubborn and rigid to make his act be more "palatable" to a wider, more mainstream audience.
C) Unlike say, Andy Kaufman, whom he has often been compared to, Tom Green really wasn't that talented to begin with. Andy Kaufman had the ability to confuse people into asking themselves if what he was doing was genuine or it was meant to be an elaborate act. I read a comment YouTube that said that Kaufman was great a playing an idiot savant or earnest fool. Green's entire skill set meanwhile, just relied on pure shock value and doing the “unexpected” on camera. You can't really do that in a scripted scenario like movies with trained, professional actors when compared to average, real life people.