MovieChat Forums > Robert Patrick Discussion > This guy is one great actor

This guy is one great actor

He really has made his characters totally believable. T-1000, agent Doggett, father of Johnny Cash. I'm really amazed of his acting skills. I wish he would be in another blockbuster movie so everyone could know it.

What really opened my eyes on just how good he is is the episode Via Negativa of X-files season 8. Watch it!


Hi, joulesbaby. Thanks for the lead you sent me -- well, over 10 months ago. Anyway, a while ago today, I looked up Robert Patrick's Internet Movie Database (IMDB) details. Sure enough, the movie title that you gave me, "Zero Tolerance," is indeed the motion picture (a circa-ninety-minute actioner) with the creep in question. A quick second check tells me that the remorseless, heedless character is named Ray Manta (an obvious play on marine-creature names) and the name of the actor who played him is Titus Welliver, born March 1961 in Connecticut (one of four sons, one now deceased, God rest his soul). It's clear that Titus Welliver, like his onetime co-star Robert Patrick, has been quite busy, taking a lot of onscreen work over the years.
