MovieChat Forums > David Morse Discussion > Is he hot, or what?

Is he hot, or what?

I consider David Morse one of the hottest men around! He's a versatile actor, who can pull off the "kind man" role, the "tough man" role, the "bad guy" role and the "killer" role without a hitch (The Green Mile, The Negotiator, 16 Blocks and Disturbia - just to name a few). He has quite the presence on film: very talented (and handsome). It would be an honour to meet him. What do you think?


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I agree, he's amazing. Check It Out!


I agree with you totally!!!! He is hot no matter what part he plays. I would very much like to meet him.


ya, definitly FILF material lol

"I bet he did!, I bet he Agnes-of-Godded all over her!"


a VERY good looking man, indeed.


I couldn't agree with you more. And his demeanor... a man like David Morse is THE perfect man in my eyes. (and you are right, I love the bad boy/tough/killer side that he has in character hehehehe) He does it so well!!


I love the scene in The Crossing Guard when Jojo tells him he has a beautiful face and eyes like a puppy. Very sexy man.

"Tessie" is the Royal Rooters rally cry.
"Tessie" is the tune they always sung.


Beautiful. I wouldn't kick him out of bed.
