MovieChat Forums > Mary Tyler Moore Discussion > I'M SORRY TO SAY THIS, BUT...


...I am NOT a fan of Mary Tyler Moore, and never was.

IMHO, she was greatly overrated as an actress, and her mannerisms irritated me unendurably.
I did love THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW, but that was in spite of--not because of--its star.
This show had clever scripts, good direction, and an excellent ensemble of supporting actors: Ed Asner, Valerie Harper, Ted Knight, Betty White, Cloris Leachman, and Gavin McCleod.
And it was a groundbreaker in depicting an independent career woman, although I found the character of Mary Richards extremely annoying, especially in the first few seasons.
I feel the same way about her whiny Laura Petrie on THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW.

It's good that she devoted herself to social causes, such as animal rights and juvenile diabetes, but that doesn't make her another Mother Teresa!

But, condolences to her husband and friends.


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I totally agree. I didn't realize how much I disliked her character until this weekends marathon.
I found myself saying A-Bede-Bede-Bede-Be That's All Folks! all weekend because of her annoying stutter/aw shucks thing

"People who live within their means suffer from a lack of imagination" Oscar Wilde


I'm sorry to say this, but I think you are a jerk. Mary just passed away two weeks ago. Show some respect and manners. If you don't like her, don't watch her. That is the most simple solution.


So anyone who doesn't think as you do is a jerk??
I'm not gonna say what that makes YOU!


BS you are "sorry".

Apparently it wasn't enough for you to go immediately into the Classic Film Board Tribute Thread for Mary on the day she died and shout your dislike of Mary Tyler Moore not once but twice. Now you have come to HER board to spew.

To add insult to injury, after insulting her, you add your "condolences".

Cripes.... what is WRONG with you ?

AND STOP SHOUTING ALL OF YOUR HEADINGS, you have been told what it means more than once you attention seeking opinionated showoff.


"Goodbye Mary... I was never a fan " by snsurone

Re: Goodbye, Mary

by snsurone » Wed Jan 25 2017 12:47:49


I think this whole thread is the reason IMDB is getting rid of the message boards. Nothing but people arguing with each other, starting arguments. I won't miss it.
