MovieChat Forums > Matt LeBlanc Discussion > 'IM NOT JOEYYYYYYYY!'


The actor has seemingly grown tired of fans still greeting him with Joey's catchphrase "How you doin'?" and he reportedly became enraged during a London Fashion Week party on Tuesday when he heard the iconic comment, according to the Daily Mirror.

He reportedly ranted, "I'm not Joey. Don't you dare call me Joey. The papers say I'm finished so don't you call me *beep* Joey. I want to leave that all behind. I'm moving on... I'm not Joey. For the last time. I'm not *beep* Joey. It's Matt. Matt LeBlanc. Joey's in the past. I'm trying to do something new."


ooooo get him! lol hes finally realised hes a has-been and its all downhill and friends reunions from now.

Alltogether now ..... HOW YOU DOIN'?!!!!!!!!!!!


The fact is that actors will forever be associated with whatever breakout role they are most known for (assuming they are lucky enough to even have one big role; viz Eric Roberts). The best they can hope for is to get two, or if they’re really lucky/good, three, so that they get a little bit of variety in the greetings and fans they get like with how Shatner is Kirk and Hooker.

And it’s not even just actors, for example Egypt is back in the news because of their current crisis after having been out of the spotlight for a long time. It comes as no surprise that now that talk of Egypt is on people’s lips, there are plenty of Biblical references and allusions to Moses and exoduses. Likewise, whenever Germany comes up in the news, people make references to Nazis and WWII. If DeLoreans or DMC were to end up on the news or something, people would bring up Back to the Future. Also, large gorillas would get called King Kong and fat Italians with mustaches will get called Mario.

People will always relate to things in terms of whatever they are best known for; getting used to that is just part of becoming a public figure, especially for actors.

