Lost his mojo

It seems like the LOTR trilogy really zapped whatever energy and talent he had in him. He can't seem to replicate that magic ever since. The Hobbit for instance looks like it could've been directed by anyone.


Read the books a couple of times, seen the movies a bunch of times.

There are a lot of valid complaints to be laid at the door of Peter Jackson.

What he produces is an approximation, and at times his arrogance leads him to take liberties with the material that he shouldn't.

This is not from the perspective of some purist, but that of someone that does not think every narrative should be turned into a boy's adventure just because P.Jackson wants to relive his childhood, and produce something dumb enough and loud enough for a mainstream audience.

There are other problems, lots in fact, whole memorable or favorite scenes ruined, pacing issues, aesthetics, etc etc, but that is a central complaint of mine.

The acting from all but the hobbits was pretty rubbish in LOTR, part of this is the cast, part of this is the director.
