I've learnt to live with that Goblet of Fire scene, much as it irks me. What I find wholly more infuriating is the scene in Order of the Phoenix where Umbridge has sacked Trewalney and is trying to remove her from the castle. In the book, Dumbledore comes in with his usual veneer, clearly intimidating Umbridge, but the way he speaks to her doesn't align with that manner at all. He is calm, polite, almost sardonic, but authoritive. Richard Harris would have nailed that. I've read elsewhere people criticising Harris taking the 'frail' interpretation of Dumbledore too far. A little harsh I feel, seeing as he was ill when he played the role.
What puzzles me is how Gambon's portrayal has been allowed to slip through the net. The screenwriter has remained the same throughout the series, surely he would take offence to inconsistencies in continuity?