How is his last name pronounced?
I'm having a debate with a friend on how his last name is pronounced. If anyone knows, spell it phonetically, please.
Joseph Fiennes = ?
I'm having a debate with a friend on how his last name is pronounced. If anyone knows, spell it phonetically, please.
Joseph Fiennes = ?
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shareIt is pronounced 'Fines'.
shareYeah. I just wanted to clarify. "Fines" as a one syllable word. Not "Fin-es"
shareIt's Pronounced "Fines"
Like as in: I have multiple library fines.
Some lady on a news program pronounced it as "Fee-nees," but she knew she wasn't saying it right.
"You all everybody!" - Charlie, "Lost"
Yeah before I was told it was Fines I pronounced it like with an italian accent like 'Fee-en-ees' lol but Fines it is. Good question though! :)
Lol I always thought it was pronounced "Feens" and wondered why his parents called him Joseph because then his name sounded like "Josephine's"!!
shareI always thought it was "Feens" too.