That's a very recent attitude. Casino Royale was released to MASSIVE success and article after article talking about how Craig was the best Bond ever. These commentaries would always talk about how serious and dramatic Craig was and how he brought much-needed gravitas to the series (this was in particular relief after Die Another Day went over-the-top with invisible cars and CGI ice surfing). People really loved Skyfall, too. I still think those are great movies, and I mostly liked Spectre (wasn't wild about the plot twist). Quantum sucks and I haven't seen NTTD, but overall his tenure has been welcome as far as I'm concerned.
This cycle happens a LOT. A movie comes out, hailed as "the best", then later on the naysayers come out and say it really sucked. Time then sorta decides if it will be a perennial stinker or a forgotten work of genius or somewhere in between.
The idea that Craig was/is hated and always has been is a fiction, although he does have a lot of detractors at this time.