MovieChat Forums > Josh Brolin Discussion > One of the most uncharismatic leading me...

One of the most uncharismatic leading men?

I do not intent to be as negative, as the title may seem, as I have enjoyed his work in several films.

However, when you compare Brolin to a guy like Robert Downey, Jr whose act is in recent years has been reduced to a quick talking smartass with good basic body and facial language, and before that was mostly portraying a somewhat tragic variation of that.

It is as if Brolin can allow himself to start over every time whereas the RD, Jr is stock in the same role (because that is what audience expects, I assume).

But although Brolin may have a more of an “artistic” free pass to start from scratch than RD,Jr, it’s as if it’s hard for him to establish any sort of “emotional bond” with the audience (or at least for me to establish one with him HA-HA). This makes him a somewhat unmemorable actor, which I think is an excellent trait for an actor who plays smaller parts, but not for a leading man.

So am I the only one who feels like Brolin is ignoring your emotional/caring/personality needs? (Pond intended)


Im sorry but I have to disagree... If you take movies where he has taken the leading role such as Labor Day, I always feel a connection to his performance. His performance in that was just so beautiful and definitely catered to my emotional needs :D Also despite what everyone else might think, I thought he was great in Oldboy and really brought me into the story. Also, as a person I think he's one of the most interesting and sweet actors to listen to during an interview...he's so funny.
