MovieChat Forums > Christina Applegate Discussion > Wonder is she regrets getting those tras...

Wonder is she regrets getting those trashy tattoos on her ankles...

She had such a flawless body back then... what was she thinking to self-vandalize such a work of art in that fashion?

Then again, it was the 90s and getting the "ankle tattoo" was the "in" thing for chicks to do back then... wonder how many of them feel ridiculous now...


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Tattoos have, if at all, only turned even more popular, nowadays.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


That's because society is degenerating. One just needs to look at the world outside to know this. Tattoos have always been counter-culture. I know many 30-something with tattoos and even more regrets. Especially when their skin changes and the ink begins to spread...


Great post. To the OP, YOU many consider getting tattoos as "self-vandalizing", but many people, and rightly so, consider them beautiful works of art, no different than a painting in a museum. If a tattoo is original and meaningful to the person owning it, then it is not vandalizing your body but adding beauty to it. Who are you to judge anybody, let alone the whole of society, based on the popularity of tattoos?


And many people consider hating gays or blacks a good thing... Just because some idiots think something is a work of art doesn't mean it is. Getting a tattoo is usually a very stupid thing to do and if you could check on the person when they got the tattoo you would usually find the person was under the influence of alcohol when they got it. I remember when women getting parrots near their waist was an in thing... I haven't met a woman yet with one of those stupid parrot that said she was glad she did it now. Tattoos are permanent and getting them should be for a very well thought out reason, not on a lark which is how must of them come about.


The human body is a beautiful work of art. Permanently staining human flesh with ink is hardly art.

Most tattoos I have seen of people in their 30s and beyond don't look good. The ink spreads, the skin changes and becomes uneven in tone. Most tattoos on people over 40 are barely recognizable.

A lot of people regret getting their tattoos and often don't have them removed simply because of the fact that it would be revealing to others that they made a stupid, youthful mistake.

I feel only prisoners should have tattoos, that way we know who they are should they escape. Anyone else that gets a tattoo is most likely an impulsive, trend-following bozo that doesn't look at the bigger picture.


"Anyone else that gets a tattoo is most likely an impulsive, trend-following bozo that doesn't look at the bigger picture."

yeah , most of the youth of today


Okay, you don't like tattoos, and that's certainly your right to have that opinion. However, to judge and demean others for thinking differently than you just shows your ignorance, not theirs. If you actually were informed you might feel a little differently; I'm almost 38 and got my first tattoo when I was 18. I have a good paying job in the corporate world and have no regrets; I love my tattoos and they are art. People still, I actually had a lady in Walgreen's about a month ago say this, think that I just had them done (the one she was speaking about is over 15 years old). If they are done right, with the right types of ink and by a quality artist, and they are taken care of properly they do not bleed. Even if they did though, again, this is all your opinion and you have no right to speak about others who feel different in a condescending manner. They aren't harming anyone by it are they? Let them be and mind your business.


Uh... You just judged the OP. The fact is people judge other people all the time it is an evolutionary thing that has allowed humans to survive. Imagine the early caveman that didn't make judgement of others... he would have made no judgement about the new cavemen in the neighborhood that invited him to dinner, only to find out he was the dinner.
