MovieChat Forums > Robin Wright Discussion > Robin Wright In Fantasy Films: Wow, Impr...

Robin Wright In Fantasy Films: Wow, Impressive

The Princess Bride, Beowulf, Wonder Woman: delimiting our examination to Wright’s work in fantasy alone (and ignoring Unbreakable, as I ignore all of M. Night’s doggerel), this chick rocks. Strong, dignified, intelligent, vulnerable, feminine, and, in the end, indomitable, she has been the complete fantasy film female package across decades. She has not always been the leading lady. Angelina Jolie was the lead in Beowulf, and Gal Gadot the lead in Wonder Woman. Jolie went on to star in the Malificent attrocity (where she was simultaneously, at her behest, protagonist and antagonist, which is a lot like being a Hermaphrodite, i.e., impotent and frigid at the same time), and Gadot has only shown us one character, Diana Prince, albeit, admittedly, doing so better than any other DC character other than Christopher Reeve. Wright’s thespian bone fides in a wide variety of roles are documented. I love fantasy, and I want to praise her chops in my favorite genre. Your thoughts?


First thought is that Robin Wright is, indeed, a great talent.

Second thought: Unbreakable is a great film. I wouldn't write it off, even if I didn't like the rest of Shayamalan's stuff (I also like Sixth Sense and Split).

Third thought: Michael Keaton rocked Batman so hard that people are still living in his pointed-eared shadow. I'm not knocking Gadot, but Reeve isn't the only one who nailed a DC character. Surely a couple of the Jokers were awesome, too. And Pfieffer as Catwoman. Danny DeVito as the Penguin...?


you forgot her turn in the underrated Forrest Gump



she gets lost in the conversation, though,
it's all about Tom Hanks & the FX

