MovieChat Forums > Marisa Tomei Discussion > When is she getting a star on the walk ...

When is she getting a star on the walk of fame?

I think it's ridiculous that foreigners are getting stars on the HOLLYWOOD walk of fame, and she's not. I was on the official website, and Simon Baker, who is from Austrailia, is getting one. Marisa has been in showbiz 29 years. According to the website the Backstreet Boys & the New Kids ( I mean Squids) on the Block are getting one. Usher & Shakira are getting theirs. How long have they been in showbiz?


The reason I mentioned foreigners is because a bunch of people that I never heard of are getting them. I think I'm an average person, who has heard of most celebrities, and would know who they are.


Is it really true that she doesn't have a star on the walk of fame? If so, that's a travesty. She's an Oscar winner and incredibly accomplished actress. That says more about the "walk of fame" than it does about her.


she is long over due its a crime she has not got a star


I don't really care that "foreigners" have stars...just as long as they are talented. By biggest problem is when no-talent reality stars get them.


If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me, but the FANS have got to nominate the celebrity in question.


Marisa has been around for a long time and still doesn't have one?
Yet no talent idiots like Bratney Spears has one? makes no sense to me.


There are mechanics behind getting a star....First of all a group of fans has to petition....Secondly the $30,000 star has to be paid for by the actor or some other private group....Thirdly the actor has to be willing to show up for the ceremony.

So its relatively easy to get a star....just need all of those conditions met.


No petitions involved unless its an attempt to get the original sponsor to put forth the proposal and put up the money. Then the committee has to vote on approving the star or not. They receive about 300 - 400 applications per year but only average about 6 approvals. There used to be a rule that you couldn't sponsor yourself (The one that always makes me laugh as Trump's sponsor was his own company) but I understand that has been waived in recent years.


She did one good movie .....My Cousin Vinny -where she won an Oscar. Apart from that most of her movies are fluff, she doesn't usually play the main part and they are usually poor movies that she's in.


She was in The Wrestler. Yum. Instant star. MILF! Please, tell me with a straight face that sex appeal doesn’t get a star. Victor Mature? Paul Newman? Marilyn Monroe? Ave Gardner? “S/He can’t act?” The sex appeal IS the acting. It’s all the acting you’ll ever need. (A tip o’ the R_Kane hat to Conan the Barbarian for the allusion.)
