MovieChat Forums > Lea Thompson Discussion > Living proof that looks won't get you fa...

Living proof that looks won't get you far.

Very much a flavor of the month in the 80's - the designated 'hot chick' with VERY limited acting ability who didn't have to emote or do anything really other than look pretty (and she was VERY pretty). But, as happens all too much in the business, she got older, her looks began to fade, she had no real acting chops to fall back on, thus sending her into 'has been' territory, where now she's lucky to work in crappy TV movies or very, very rarely, a bit-part in a theatrical film. Living proof, really that looks aren't everything and that all these 'actresses' today who are getting cast for being young and sexy will be forgotten before we know it.


She's still beautiful today. She has aged extraordinarily well.
