MovieChat Forums > Julia Ormond Discussion > Why isn't SHE Julia Roberts?

Why isn't SHE Julia Roberts?

I am remarkably disturbed by the fact that this woman is not one of the biggest hollywood stars of all time. She's singularly one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my entire life, and her acting chops put most to shame. I want to see her in the roles that go to sell-outs and wanna be stars. There needs to be some sort of boycott or something.

Sweeping the nation:
Please. Join the Dark Side. You get more chicks.


I admire Ms. Ormond more as an actress, but I would not disparage Julia Roberts in order to praise her. Roberts does her fair share of artistic and independent films, and is not even doing any films for the next few months in order to do theater work, so I would never characterize her as an actress with much less elevated artistic aspirations.
