MovieChat Forums > Roger Moore Discussion > Looked most like Bond

Looked most like Bond

I'm not saying he was the best Bond - we all know who that was - but he looked and sounded the most like the Bond of the books, from his posh Eton accent to his public school manners to his ridiculous good looks.


I'm not saying he was the best Bond - we all know who that was - but he looked and sounded the most like the Bond of the books, from his posh Eton accent to his public school manners to his ridiculous good looks.

Fleming described Bond as being darkly handsome, in the staid British sense of that term. Fair skinned, with dark brown hair. Moore had the former down pat, but not the latter. I agree he had the posh accent and demeanor, which is testament to just how underrated an actor he was. In real life, he grew up a few blocks away from Micheal Caine's former stomping grounds


I always thought Lazenby looked most like the literary Bond.


Ian Fleming wrote that Bond resembles Hoagy Carmichael. Sean Connery and Timothy Dalton skew more closer to that than Roger Moore did. However, I agree that Moore behaves in a number of ways like Bond does in the novels, having the refined British gentleman persona above all else.


Fleming was talking about facial resemblance. Carmichael was pretty short, which wouldn't have worked for Bond.


"In the novels (notably From Russia, with Love), Bond's physical description has generally been consistent: slim build; a 3 in (76 mm) long, thin vertical scar on his right cheek; blue-grey eyes; a "cruel" mouth; short, black hair, a comma of which rests on his forehead."

Sounds like Roger Moore to me. /s


Yeah, Sir Roger was unquestionably the best and most charismatic Bond.

Did he look like that crappy Ian Fleming sketch? Perhaps not but then have the vast majority of people who cite that while harping on about being closer to the book version of Bond actually read any of the books? Exactly...


I've read all of them. And a lot of the Bond sequels authorized by the Fleming estate.

If I ranked by physical description alone any of the dark haired Bonds -- Connery, Dalton, Lazenby, Brosnan -- are closer than Moore.

If ranked by general demeanour as described in the books Moore would come last. Brosnan would come close. This was more a fault of the writers and producers than the actors. The literary Bond was never about tossing off corny puns and one-liners while arching an eyebrow.

If ranked by physical fitness/ toughness Craig would rank first.

No slag on Moore. He was good fun in a lot of things. But he wasn't a good Bond, for fans of the books.


mmm, I have to disagree.

I was a fan of the books but that's doesn't mean I needed to see cinematic Bond replaced with that of the books, which tbh would be hard anyway given Bond wasn't exactly a heavily written character within the Books.

But each to their own đź‘Ť As per my previous post, my main gripe is with people who've gone nowhere near the books championing the the dull Dalton / Craig efforts...


"I'm not saying he was the best Bond - we all know who that was"

Oh, FUCK OFF, I'm sick of hearing how Sean Connery was the "best" Bond, simply because he was the first movie Bond. Did Ian Fleming specify Bond as having THE thickest Scottish accent? NO! So Connery is handicapped from the start!

I would actually say that Moore IS Bond, and it's a pity they didn't pick him the first time round.


I think it depends on which Bond movie you saw first in the theaters. For me it was TSWLM and of course Roger Moore was then the only one Bond. I watched the Connery movies later and although they were not bad, Connery had something...well...ordinary in my eyes, less class than Moore.


Nah, I saw Connery as Bond first, in "Goldfinger" and another one or two, but I think Moore is the best Bond and his stint of movies (7) are the most all-around entertaining and rewatchable.

Not saying Connery was bad, of course; just that I prefer Moore's 007 movies.


I would actually say that Moore IS Bond, and it's a pity they didn't pick him the first time round.

I don't know. We would have lost out on a lot of Simon Templar had that happened and Moore is practically Bond in a lot of those anyway, so...


He already looked very Bondish in The Persuaders...


Apparently Moore was one of Broccoli and Fleming’s top choices for Bond due to his role in The Saint.


I think Brosnan resembles Bond the most physically (dark hair, slim build), but Moore definitely had the attitude and voice of Bond, you’re right.

Moore was the only Bond that could actually be kind of scary, although Dalton was a runner up feeding that guy to the sharks.

I wish Moore had played bond more like that scene in Wild Geese when he force feeds a drug dealer his own heroin.


"I'm not saying he was the best Bond - we all know who that was" - Timothy Dalton, but he had some of the worst movies. He would have shined in Criag-style movies.

This thread is all opinion.
