Total liar.

I was listening to an interview with her on NPR (yes, I listen to the other side) and she was saying that her show Veep, got derailed for a while, because every outrageous thing they thought of doing, Trump had just done in a "not funny, but tragic way". She said it happened over and over.

The interviewer asked her for an example and she came up with NOTHING. All she could muster was Marco Rubio trying to pass a bill making daylight savings time permanent.

All these "things" she said Trump did to make the show's creative process come to a screeching halt and she couldn't come up with even ONE example.

She's a total, TDS liar.


Think she was just referring to Trump turning politics into a circus and making reality more outrageous than her fictional show, hence the writers having to modify their approach and tone


She said he did tons of "things" but couldn't come up with one example. I'm going by her words as I assume the interviewer was also, since he asked for examples. She clearly was not prepared to be called out, as it was NPR. Of course the interviewer let it go and changed the subject, after she floundered.


Actors tend to be hyperbolic when promoting their projects and shouldn’t be looked upon as carriers of truth. She’s good at her job, acting, and you shouldn’t get too invested in her real life personality.


You can do what all leftists do and defend her till the cows come home but it doesn't change facts. The context of the conversation had nothing to do with promotion. She's a TDS liar. End of story.

Another indication of how detached from reality she is, is when she gushed about Jane Fonda.


I was listening to our local ABC affiliate yesterday morning as I turned on the TV, and some group issued a "travel advisory" to Florida because of laws hostiles to blacks and gays. There was no explanation nor did the talking heads offer a counterpoint.

My wife wonders why I won't watch news anymore.


Yep. They poop this stuff out and people gobble it up.


She was struggling to pick one moment since there were so many. She's right since the Trump Presidency had enough crazy moments for a horror show AND a comedy show. The writers would come up with something crazy BUT Trump had already done it.

The Guardian had a top ten list and my favorite was Trump telling a seven-year-old girl that believing in Santa Claus at age seven was marginal. Who does that? They left off a lot of good moments like Trump's outlandish comments about Finland raking the forests and using bleach to fight covid. Trump's twitter war with Rocketman was another low moment.


I didn't bother following your links. Anyone who posts the lie about Trump suggesting injecting bleach as a covid cure isn't paying attention.


One of Trump's problems is his belief that he is the smartest man in the room and only he can fix the problems. Trump didn't want to be upstaged by the medical experts so he would spew medical nonsense for a few minutes instead of handing the microphone to the medical experts. Trump probably should have just let the medical experts talk about the covid plans instead of acting like a television reality show host. * Donald Trump clips "Nobody knows more than me" * Donald Trump bleach/uv light medical tips *


One of Trump's problems is his belief that he is the smartest man in the room and only he can fix the problems. Trump didn't want to be upstaged by the medical experts so he would spew medical nonsense for a few minutes instead of handing the microphone to the medical experts. Trump probably should have just let the medical experts talk about the covid plans instead of acting like a television reality show host.

I agree with that completely. Trump is a dick and not a nice person, but to be honest, he's not marrying my daughter so his character means exactly zip to me.

He's not the most sophisticated speaker and he's not at all fluent in the sciences, so his wondering if the virus could be disinfected directly in the body wasn't worded the best, but he was really asking if something like an anti-viral medication could be developed that attacked the virus for those already infected.

Is he an asshole? Yes, but being an asshole doesn't make him a bad president.


Exactly. Trump's a boor, a bullshitter, and an egomaniac--with ridiculous hair and a bizarre fake tan. I wouldn't want to hang out with him or, like you said, have my daughter marry him, but the fact is that life in the U.S. was a hell of a lot less expensive and safer when he was on the job.


Id love to meet him. You could learn so much from such an accomplished business man.

Then you take Biden. Or Clinton. Or Obama. None could teach you a goddamned thing. They’ve been carried into power by a corrupt media. They have no accomplishments other than using their corruption to get re-elected. An extremely worthless skill in the real world. Hence why none have accomplished jack shit in the real world.


Yeah it’s good he didn’t give Fauci the stage at all huh.

Anything else stupid to say?


There were at least FIVE medical doctors on that coronavirus response team and they were all more qualified than Donald Trump. You're too stupid to understand anything. * Donald Trump bleach/uv light medical tips *


The fact you bring up the “inject bleach” shows how braindead and what a joke you are. Just another leftwing asshat living in a nonexistent fantasy world.


I'm an independent and I live in the real world. Bleach is harmful for humans and Trump discussed the possibility of using bleach to fight covid. Instead of handing the microphone to medical professionals, Donald Trump suggested using bleach and uv light. * Bleach is toxic * * Donald Trump bleach/uv light medical tips *


Those dumbasses at Duke must have fallen for “Orangeman’s propaganda”.


Ultraviolet radiation causes skin cancer, burns and eye trouble. Once again, Trump advocated for the use of a harmful technology to treat covid. Both bleach and ultraviolet light are harmful for humans so they should not be used to treat covid. DUH!,skin%20cancers%20are%20usually%20curable.,cumulative%20exposure%20to%20UVB%20radiation. * Donald Trump bleach/uv light medical tips *


Well she’s a leftwing clown, they aren’t used to having to provide evidence.

NPR should be fired and forced to apologize.




Yes, she a total dummy…but I’d still tap dat ass all night


Thanks for your constructive contribution. 🙄


With all due respect chilone, because you've always been pleasant to me, a lot of people, and not just hardened leftists, do feel that satire has gone down hill, and is harder to do, in the era of Trump. Politics stopped being remotely funny after he came into power, and once a former game-show host with no experience in politics (at least Reagan was governor of California), who was regarded as something of a joke, with his garish self-named buildings, his fake university, and his undignified behaviour/associations with wrestling, softcore porn and tawdry beauty pageants, became President, it was hard to know where to take satire.


She couldn't think of any because all of the scandals were media created and always started out with huge outrage to end with, never mind look over here at our next concoction "look Trump went to a graveyard for war heroes and while there decided to call all the dead losers and suckers!" It was so nonsensical at the end.

She only knows what they tell her to know.
