Choosing to do heroin...

I'm trying to understand the psychology behind anyone -- not just Philip Seymour Hoffman -- trying heroin for the first time.

I've never touched a drug in my life, but even I understand how addictive heroin is. So what I'm trying to understand is how a person can choose to do heroin for the first time knowing this fact.

Is there a, "Sure, other people get addicted to it, but it won't happen to me!" mentality behind that first time? If so, there's a real narcissism in that.

Is there a, "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." mentality (regarding the likelihood of addiction)? If so, that's a short-sighted, live-for-the-moment mentality that's careless and immature.

Is there a, "Who cares what may happen? I hate life anyway." mentality? If so, that's obviously rooted in depression.

I really want to understand how someone can willingly elect to go down such a destructive path. There seems to be no logic in doing heroin for the first time.

Room for one more, honey.


Why would Philip Seymour Hoffman want to escape his life? More talent in his little finger than most people will ever have----
