MovieChat Forums > Natasha Henstridge Discussion > 34 years old? yeah, right

34 years old? yeah, right

she looks like 42 already.


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34 years old and still youthfully looking strong, so says Natasha Henstridge.


I agree - before I came here to check out her bio, I thought she was in her early 40s.


Here's my opinion of what you posted. First, I am a fan of Natasha Henstridge, but not a dedicated nor an obsessive one. I just like her.

Next, all of you are correct in your opinions.

In some current photos, Natasha Henstridge still looks glamorous. In others, she does look aged. It all depends. Now, age 34 is highly subjective. It's not like age 24, where EVERYONE looks young. At age 34, some look younger or older than others. But what looks young to me may look old to someone else and vice versa.

I've grown up, eavesdropping on women's conversations about BLONDE women not aging well. To me it sounds like the proverbial deal with the devil. In exchange for goddess-like beauty and milky, porcelain fair skin complexions in youth, blonde women start to lose their looks and youth after age 25. This loss begins to accelerate in their 30s and by their 40s they're looking skanky and prunish, unless they can invest in extensive facial treatments and if necessary, cosmetic surgery. This isn't my opinion. I'm just writing down what I've heard. One lady had said that blonde women did not have as many oil glands or not as active oil glands in their face, which contributed to a smooth, non-acne beautiful complexion. But when surpassing full adulthood, the lack of the oil glands causes skin drying and wrinkles. As a grown adult myself, I began thinking there might be something to this. I'm old enough now to have seen beautiful blonde actresses age rapidly and lose their youth and beauty and become, unfortunately - and I don't want to sound mean here - undesirable. I know we all age and lose our looks, some faster than others.

The criticism of 34-year old Natasha Henstridge is based on comparisons to when she was 24-years old and had that ethereal glowing beauty to her face when she first appeared in Species in 1993. Of course this is not fair. I've seen a photo of Natasha in her short red dress at the 2002 premiere of Die Another Day. Compare her face in that 2002 photo to one taken in late 2008 and I will agree I can definitely see a difference due to aging. But don't forget, Natasha is older now and has become a mother. Let's cut her some slack here.


I agree with Jeff.

She hasn't aged very well, but I still think she is drop dead gorgeous!


You're very right. Personally I don't find her very attractive, but I don't find her ugly at all - I completely understand how some see her as drop-dead gorgeous, just personally I'm not into her features... that said she does look about 10 yrs older than 34 but still great.


can't outrun your own shadow


I have to agree here. She is a very beautiful woman, but 34?!?! I watched all of Eli Stone and would have bet any amount of money she was in her early 40s. I kept thinking "wow, she looks great for her age..." OUCH!

But regardless of her age she needs to lay off the lip filler.
