https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/484747_10151700091495908_1 49010380_n.jpg
Highlander's FB page just posted this. I'd almost swear that was John holding Connor MacLeod's (Christopher Lambert) left arm.
Lebowski costume auction:
http://www.icollector.com/The-Big-Lebowski-Walter-John-Goodman-Costume _i16373651
make your own jokes about getting into John/Walter's pants. or shorts.
(no size tho? I'm guessing about a 40 waist at this point?)
check out the others, like the landlord's unitard or Uli's dream bodysuit and leathers.
Last: Who/TW: ch33; Heroes BNW ch18-FIN!