MovieChat Forums > Bridget Fonda Discussion > Why are people making excuses for Bridge...

Why are people making excuses for Bridget's weight gain?

Like it's perfectly acceptable for anybody to be morbidly obese or unhealthy looking. The main arguments that I've heard is that Bridget is a nearly 60 year old woman, who has been out of the public eye for nearly 20 years.

Keep in mind, that Bridget has always been known to be petite and thin. And her last known public appearance, which was in 2009 (about seven years after her last on-screen appearance), she still looked like her "old self".


Excuse? There's no excuse. She ate too much and exercised too little. Yep, it's that simple.


I can say from experience that if you gain weight and start buying the bigger clothes, if nobody around you dogs you out for it personally you might not even care about it. If they only mention it behind your back, then you don't even know or care.

Who knows? Maybe this "outing" of her current state causes her to work hard and make the change.


Our society is way too soft. We let the supermarkets/restaurants/7-11's/every place in the U.S. feed us junk and we make it nearly a crime for calling out someone for letting themselves go. I've been to grocery stores where I've counted over 30 people in a row that are obese/morbidly obese. It's an apocalypse throughout our nation but we're just going to let these 100's of millions of people die an early and horrible death in their 40's and 50's. I had a friend of mine gain 80 lbs. she died of kidney failure at age 54.
This is the first generation in history where the life expectancy has fallen.
But no, we're so soft and ignorant we accept obesity, causing death instead of life.


It's not just about how MUCH a lot of Americans eat (though is a significant part of it) it is the KIND of feed these whales consume. Food so processed that there is no nutritional value you left! It's empty calories that keep you hungry all day because your body is trying to tell you that its not getting what it needs!


Yep, it's also that the "taste industry", (which are chemists/scientists hired by junk food companies) develop super addicting flavors that hijack our brains into wanting more more more very similar to heroin addiction.


The thing is, you can complain about fat people all you want, but at the end of the day, whether they chose to lose weight or not is entirely up to them. Society already hassles them enough about their weight. I say get off their backs, stop treating them like s***, and let them do what they need to do to get back into shape on their own time, and at their own pace.


It's severe addiction, caused by corporations scheming against human beings in order to keep them never satisfied and keep coming back for more.
This is killing hundreds of millions of people.
Corporations are guilty of crime against humanity.


I have no problem with this but these people take up a lot of resources and end up a big burden on society.

If it was only their lifes effected no problem but it's not.

The other massive issue is if you keep allowing this as we are doing it is classed as acceptable which it should not be this is terrible for your health and is why the drive for processed/fake foods has happened these people are allowing it by consuming large amounts.


What weight gain are we talking about?


She got HUUUUGE.


So what? Most people whether they are famous or not, let themselves go at some point in their lives----that's damn near everybody. The question is, why the fck should anyone care whether Ms. Fonda is overweight or not? She quit the movie industry nearly 20 years ago, and instead of getting plastic surgery all the damn time, she simply looks like a normal woman her age. Point being, she is no longer a public person, and hasn't been in years, so she is no longer obliged to glam herself up for anybody or anything. And the fact that the Daily Mail, which is nothing but a fckg piece-of-s*** tabloid anyway, chose to follow her around without her knowledge or permission is pretty fckg creepy, to be honest. She ought to sue their asses for their invasion of her privacy, which is clearly what they did here. Whether she chooses to lose weight or not is her damn business, and hers alone---she could be doing that for all we know. She chose to leave the industry and lead a more normal life, so good luck to her.


Oh I'm just concerned about her health is all đź‘Ť


No you aren't. Don't lie. Do you know her? You're not "concerned" about some actress you've never met. You're just gawking at the freak show.


Only a sad human would think you have to know someone to hope they're ok.

Hoping she manages to get some medical help soon.


Nailed it.


The type of clothes she's wearing are worse than her actual looks.


She was in a bad car wreck and suffered severe damage to her back. Maybe she could not move around much and keep fit. Also she walked away from a successful career long ago. Why? Seems she wanted to shed her fame and have an life of anonymity. She was born into Hollywood royalty but that life may not have suited her.


I think many people realize that medical conditions can cause weight gain and it's harder to keep the weight off as one ages. I made a commitment to fitness after reading that overweight people were more likely to succumb to covid. Robbin Crosby, deceased ex-guitarist for rock band Ratt, used enough drugs during his younger years to impair his pancreas so he ended up gaining a lot of weight due to a faulty pancreas.


Faulty Pancreas would be a great name for a rock band


That might be pretty cool. Iron/Steel/White Pancreas could work. Some other band is called Iron Liver.


Nah. Fat people just ate too much. But it's ok. Natural selection.


That just reminds me of Catherine Disher, who provided the voice of Jean Grey on the X-Men animated series from the '90s. I was sort of taken aback by how chunky she looked after Googling images of her because Jean on the animated series was this beautiful, svelte red headed woman with a very classic womanly voice.

On the live-action TV series War of the Worlds and Forever Knight, she was in relatively decent shape:

But then fast forward to The Good Witch, and she really porked up:

I do wonder however, if Catherine Disher could possibly be on some type of medication like prednisone.


I don't think anybody is making excuses...rather some people recognize it doesn't matter what weight she is or how she looks. It's her life. Being that heavy is unhealthy and unattractive, but that's her personal struggle.

Also she hasn't been acting in 20 years. She could still be absolutely stunning and it would be inconsequential. She's no longer appearing in anything.

For the record there are some health issues that will destroy your looks. Kathleen Turner is a famous example, she was gorgeous in Body Heat but now she looks rough. She has rheumatoid arthritis, steroids are prescribed to alleviate some of the symptoms. As you can imagine giving a Woman steroids ruins their looks. So there are cases where it's harsh to pile on to someone for how they look when they have health issues and have to take drugs to alleviate symptoms. No one knows whats going on in Bridget Fondas life, be it her mental and/or physical health.


And that's her personal business--hers and hers alone. She owes no one any explanation for how she looks, period. I just got through losing some quarantine weight I gained, and I know from experience it can take at least 6 months or so to lose weight, depending on how much you're gained, and how much daily exercise you do in order to lose whatever amount you need to lose. The reality is, it takes time to lose weight, and there is no way in hell you can do that overnight. And, yes, some people do have medical conditions that can interfere with their efforts to lose weight. I remember seeing on some tabloid show years ago this young woman who was overweight talking about how she'd struggled to lose weight for years and couldn't, and then come to find out she had a legit medical condition that had been actually preventing her from losing weight normally. So yeah, if you see someone overweight, you can't always assume that they haven't been trying to lose the weight, because there might be a real medical reason that they can't.



For a start use the correct term it's fat lose not weight you do this going to the toilet or go stay in sauna you will lose weight.

6 months BS you did it wrong you can drop water weight in a few days most people that change to low carb drop a large amount in first few months.

Correct medical conditions can impact but not as people like to claim it's another one of those excuses that is used another is unable to exercise which you dont need to do.
