He’s one of my

Favorite 4 directors working right now, the other 3 being Tarantino, Nolan, and PT Anderson. Always look forward to their new stuff.


They're four of the best right now, for sure.

I've got high hopes for Barry Jenkins and Damien Chazelle too.


Totally agree on all 4, but Anderson seems like he peeked with “There Will Be Blood” and hasn’t come close to that magic since then.
Same with Fincher.
Here’s hoping both can come back to glory.


I think Phantom Thread was a return to form for PTA.

And the recent The Social Network and Gone Girl are two of my favourite Fincher films.


I agree on Fincher, but wasn’t a fan of Phantom Thread. I so wanted to like it...but just couldn’t get into it. Same feeling with Inherent Vice.


Inherent Vice didn't work for me either, but I really like Inherent Vice.


You basically named three of the most overrated directors ever, in my opinion (Tarantino, Nolan and Fincher).

I've never seen a PT Anderson movie.


How are they overrated? Their films consistently turn a profit, the majority of critics hail their work and most importantly, their films are nearly universally well received by the public.

Check out Boogie Nights, one of Anderson’s best and a perfect film to introduce oneself to his style of filmmaking.

And to OP, David Fincher is one of my favorite directors as well, if not my favorite, and I always look forward to his films!
I can not wait for The Killer to drop!


Their films consistently turn a profit, the majority of critics hail their work and most importantly, their films are nearly universally well received by the public.

That's exactly why they're overrated. Their movies make money, critics worship them, a lot of people like them and I personally do not (for the most part).

When I judge a movie it's by how much I like it, that's it. Doesn't matter how much money it makes or how much other people like it.

If I hated their movies and everyone else did then they wouldn't be 'overrated'. As it is though, the very fact people love their movies and I do not is why they're 'overrated'.


I respect your opinion, as we are all entitled to feel however we do about something, but imo overrated and one person’s (and the few others of this forum who claim Nolan and Tarantino are hacks…, not saying you are implying this) subjective opinion are not synonymous. Overrated implies that the subject in question is without merit and can be backed up with both objective reasoning as well as a substantial backing of support from others. I don’t feel that one can adequately argue that Tarantino, Fincher, Nolan and Anderson make films that are void of both merit as well as the courage it takes to make something pure to the artist’s vision and free of the studio’s relentless desire to bastardize it for monetary gain.


For me overrated means that the common rating consensus is too high in respect to my own evaluation of their work. That applies to people like Nolan and Tarantino the most because they're highly celebrated and I don't care for much of their work. I wouldn't call them hacks, they've both made some good movies and are clearly competent, but I don't like their movies as much as many others do.

I use overrated in it's literal sense. They're rated too highly, not that they're necessarily bad. A movie/director/whatever that I consider very good can still be overrated. Of course the discrepancy between the common consensus and my own magnifies the overrated-ness. It's absolutely natural for the most overrated directors to be ones whom are considered amongst the very best.


Well said and I appreciate your viewpoint.
