MovieChat Forums > Cher Discussion > Cher OFFICIALLY Says She will leave Amer...

Cher OFFICIALLY Says She will leave America if Trump becomes President!

Cher OFFICIALLY Says She will leave America if Trump becomes President!

“I almost got an ulcer the last time,” she says. “If he gets in, who knows? This time I will leave America.”

What’s your goodbye message to Cher?


Can stars stop saying this dumb nonsense?!?

NOBODY is leaving America, that is silly talk, half the planet is trying to overcrowd us by bustling here completely unwelcome
and taking our work. YOU want out then gtfo.

Is anyone stupid enough to think one jackass politician is really worse than another? They are all phonies, who cares?


You are not wrong!


Ellen and her husband(or wife) moved out of the U.S to England, but her reasoning is more to do with the fact her staff hated her and she can't live this down and she used Trump winning as a reason for her leaving


Adios nutjob👋


Good. Get the fuck out and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out and while you're at it, take Bill Maher with ya too!!


Is she STILL here? She was leaving when Dubya got elected.

Too bad Sonny died in a freak accident. If you ask me, the wrong Bono hit a tree.
