MovieChat Forums > Helena Bonham Carter Discussion > Hopeless as Elizabeth Taylor

Hopeless as Elizabeth Taylor

Why is Helena Bonham Carter in seemingly everything?

I don't rate her as a great actress and she often ruins anything she is in.

The BBC in the UK recently made a TV film about Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Carter was totally miscast as Taylor. Looked nothing like her, and on top of that it was plain to see it was just HBC in yet another role.


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You should not judge! The film did not get many good reviews, but Helena got great reviews for her interprertation and the story was good if not that well written. I think she will be up for an Emmy next year!


Wow...I really disagree with you spot. Try to have a good life anyway. Geez...


I refuse to see it. It's an insult ans a mockery to cast this ugly bug as Taylor (what next - Renee Zellwegger as Ingrid Bergman?), and I can well believe she gives another lazy phoned-in performance in the film.Then it's entirely your loss, not that any of us particularly care that you're missing out. If you honestly believe that HBC is unattractive and lacks acting talent then you lack the intelligence to enjoy the film anyway.


You didn't even see this.

If you had you could criticize anything. As it is, nobody is taking you seriously.
