HBC: talented or fake?

sharpiee replied 42s ago
Ive seen a lot of posts recently about how people don't like HBC and think she's a one trick pony... They all say she is a bad actress but surely if that was true she wouldn't get half the roles that she does? I think it's mostly down to jealousy. Or have I missed something?

Also, how can people say she was terrible as Elizabeth Taylor? In most shots I thought she looked uncannily like Liz and portrayed her correctly.. If anything, the shows criticism should be down to the writing and directing?

I'm interested to hear why people feel so negative towards HBC as I feel she is one of the best actresses to come from England


Compare that performance to Kristen Stewart at comparable age,

.....................really???..................... really???................

you are saying HCB is good by comparing her to one of the most bland one note worst actresses of the day? (although in her most recent performance many top profile critics have done 180s on their stance on Stewart and apparently she had given good performances)

its like saying natalie portman is amazing "because look at hayden Christenson in comparison at her age!!! no portman is either good or bad based on her own performances, not simply because at one time anotamically she was the same age as someone else who was worse.. wtf????

seriously what kind of logic is that............... also some actors come and go. some have given amazing award winning performances in the past. yet are now considered B stars.
