MovieChat Forums > Adam Baldwin Discussion > What a dumb, dumb, worthless prick

What a dumb, dumb, worthless prick

I genuinely hope this chicken hawk has to suffer people treating him the way he suggests treating others. Just a petty, small little never-was who let his Full Metal Jacket role become his identity.


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I was reading an article, that just happened to mention his name from something he said that caused a fury of online threats directed at others. I won't mention what it is because I don't want to get into it.

But that caused me to research more about him. I didn't know much, just knew that I liked him because of the character he played on Firefly. But after reading more about him, well that's really skewed my views on him and definitely makes me sad for Jayne because I enjoyed that character a lot.

I wish more celebrities would stop being so polarizing on their public social media accounts. There was another celebrity that I followed on Twitter who constantly posts his array of automatic weapons and posing with them. No matter how hard you try not to associate these things you see of the actor with their fictionalized character, you can't help but associate them. It's really unfortunate.


I don't believe the OP mentioned physical assault, just that he should get the same treatment that he dishes out to others. Which I think is fair.


He's not really a 'never was', but more of a 'has been'.

As far as I know, a 'chicken hawk' is a person who is pro-war, but refuses to join the service himself.


I always thought a chicken hawk was a pedophile. (I am not saying Adam is though, that's just the definition I always heard attributed to that term.)


Maybe we should make war a topic like abortion where you are not permitted to have an opinion on it for or against unless you've served. That'd quiet things down.
