MovieChat Forums > Scott Baio Discussion > Complete conservative human garbage

Complete conservative human garbage

He campaigned for Ronald Reagan in his youth and attended Reagan's state funeral.[21][22] Upon Reagan’s death in 2004, he was quoted by the New York Daily News as saying, "President Reagan made me feel proud to be an American. Today, I feel sadness."[23]

Baio endorsed Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney in 2012[24] and Donald Trump in 2016. Also in 2016, he spoke at the opening night of the Republican National Convention.[25]


Given Scott Baio's background, is it not that surprising that he would hold such political views:

Scott Baio is Italian-American and unfortunately many of them are very conservative and Republican. I'm from the East Coast and most of the hardcore Republicans I met are of Italian descent. It's ironic because for decades they were looked down upon by White Protestant types and mistreated along with Polish, Jews, Greeks and Irish. I guess they have this need to prove themselves to the White Protestants and became racist towards black people and Hispanics as proof. It could be hardcore Catholicism but even still Catholics tend to have a heavy focus on charity and education which distinguishes them from Southern Baptists.

reply 31 Yesterday at 1:24 PM


"It's ironic because for decades they were blablabla..."

This 2020.


Kirstie Alley and Scott Baio lead furious conservative celebrities in rejecting Donald Trump's election defeat as they demand probe into vote 'fraud'

Happy Days actor Scott Baio who had been openly praising Trump in the months leading up to the election and also criticizing Facebook and Twitter for censoring the president's posts on social media re-tweeted a statement which accused Biden of 'rushing to falsely pose as the winner' declaring 'this election is far from over.'

'To be cont..........,' Baio wrote.

'Liberals cheat and don't even care how the 'old white man' won. Republicans still have the Senate, the Supreme Court and know the truth. Peace' he added.




You liberals/Democrats are something else.... What? I haven’t figured out yet. Does it really bother you that this man or any person for that matter, votes differently from you? If you do, move to Cuba.


Um, if you're calling someone you've never met "garbage," you're projecting.


Exactly. Mr. Baio has the courage to be a Republican in an industry where virtually everyone falls lockstep into Democrat groupthink. Just a giant cesspool of hypocrite, hateful little weasels.

People need to leave this man alone. Nothing about him being a Conservative makes him any more "right" or "wrong" than people who are Liberals.

Liberals try to portray themselves as "progressive"...and like to pretend to be peace-loving hippie types, yet in actuality...they castigate anything and anyone who doesn't believe exactly as they do.


He’s a conservative, so what? What makes liberals high and mighty? Mr. Baio is a citizen and can vote any way he wants. It’s called a democracy. You don’t like it, move to Russia, Venezuela or Cuba. See how many choices you get then....

Who the fuck are liberals to tell the rest of us how to live or vote for? Who says you’re correct?


The OP's description of Baio's endorsements and statements make me like him more. Going by what the OP wrote, Baio sounds like a mature, rational person.


This is the point of no return--when one side is convinced the other is "human garbage," you can kiss civility goodbye.
