MovieChat Forums > Julie Andrews Discussion > How big a star was she in her prime?

How big a star was she in her prime?

My mom tells me she wasn't that big at all. Nothing compared to Audrey Hepburn. Is that right?


'But that didn't mean her film career was over; just her days as a box office powerhouse.'

'And I think you'd better change the dosage of whatever medication you're taking, because your perception of reality has hit a new low.'
yes, I know, anything less than a pitch-perfect critique on this board is not allowed, but allowed on other boards.

Look at her resume,and what do you see? Most of her films were directed by her husband,and who is the one who hired Ms. Andrews, her husband. Are we going to deny that too? I never claimed her "career" was over, but her bankability. Of course,if Cheryl Ladd was married to Blake,she would have had a better career too. So what.
And Blake was one of the most inconsistent directors with so many mixed-reviews and outright bombs. No?

And stop with the insults, and get ON a so-called medication,if you're not already on one. You had this same problem on the Streisand board with other users.


For a few years in the mid to late 1960s she was huge, probably as big as Audrey Hepburn was in the 1950s to early '60s. After that, she faded quite a bit until 1982, when "Victor-Victoria" put her near the top again, briefly.
