MovieChat Forums > Kevin Spacey Discussion > Are "Kevin Spacey's" the worst of the wo...

Are "Kevin Spacey's" the worst of the worst?

I mean, can you imagine Spacey after your trousers? You'd have to beat him off with a night stick!

Which he would love by the way.


I'm not fourteen anymore, so the coast is clear.


In what way 'the worst'? I mean, there's Jeffrey Dahmer, and Lostprophets lead vocalist...


What other industry has casting coaches for men/women boys/girls?


I think people are mixing up the phrase "the casting couch" (sexual quid-pro-quo encounters that result in getting jobs) with plain assault.


What if the job was already given and now the return favor is required?


Well he's small potatoes compared to a serial killer or a political leader that starts a war that ends in millions of deaths... but the Harvey Weinsteins and Kevin Spaceys of the world are the worst sort of people the average Joe or Jane will ever have to deal with in person.

They're everywhere, and they always manage to work their way into a position where they can abuse their authority. Because that's what they live for.


I agree, although I'll say Weinstein, who's been accused of rape multiple times, is worse than Spacey. Both have abused their authority, but Weinstein's behaviour surpasses Spacey's, as far as we now know.


I doubt we'll ever know the whole truth about either of them, but the stuff we've heard about HW is worse than what we've heard about KS.

Sadly, HW has a better chance of a comeback.
