MovieChat Forums > Martin Scorsese Discussion > Chadwick Boseman Says Martin Scorsese ‘D...

Chadwick Boseman Says Martin Scorsese ‘Didn’t Get’ What Black People Saw in ‘Black Panther’


Martin might not but plenty of white people do. Panther was invented by two white guys!!

I wish Stan Lee was still alive to answer back.


I think it's hilarious that Scorsese calls it what it is, says these films are fluffy fun, like a roller coaster, just a thrill ride, and everybody starts hopping around saying he didn't "get it".

You know who doesn't get it? People pretending the MCU is deep art. It's not.

It is valuable as entertainment and escapism. It's something a lot of people love and that's cool. Be into it. I've enjoyed some superhero films (although, not for awhile; they've gotten too xeroxed).

The fact that there's a black-lead superhero film is also great, and it's cool that that means something for black people, or any people who recognise the value of a diaspora of humans being depicted on screen. But that doesn't mean Scorsese was wrong about the movies being thrill rides.


Dude nobody was claiming that MCU is Deep Art. But i don't find Scorsese movies to be deep art either. Most of his movies are just about asshole killing or screwing each other over. That not fucking deep. Schindler List is deep, not Goodfellas. I probably felt more emotions watching Guardians of the Galaxy than watching fucking Casino. Which leads me to the last point. Art is subjective, dumbass.
