MovieChat Forums > Keanu Reeves Discussion > Overrated and pushed by Hollywood becaus...

Overrated and pushed by Hollywood because of his mixed race?

I think I've seen most of the movies with Keanu and the few ones where he works are action movies as Speed and The Devil's advocate, his best interpretation by far. In the rest of his movies, his acting is pretty flat and he's basically always the same. I can't see any major difference in his acting between one movie and the other. So why did Hollywood push him so bad? I still remember an old article from the 90's in a magazine where Reeves was depicted as the "man of the future" because of his mixed race. He's the son of an Hawaiian father and an English mother. He's the archetype of the mingled race that Count Kalergi "dreamed" for Europe and we know that Hollywood is run by the Jews who want to destroy the white race through interracial relationships. So maybe Hollywood made him for this reason. Not for his acting skills. It made him because Keanu Reeves was the best way to convey the idea of the mixed race man that the Jews want to create in order to destroy white people.


You can't bring up Keanu at his best and then not mention Point Break or Bill and Ted.

In regards to the rest, Keanu is not exactly an icon of race mixing and he began his career in the 80s well before such a thing became trendy.


I don't remember Keanu's race ever being hyped at all. Whatever ancestry he has, his European genes are clearly dominant. He doesn't have an asian person's typical distinctive round face shape or squinty eyes.

On the other hand, the actress Tia Carrere has some European ancestry, yet I don't recall anyone making a big deal out of that because she still looks like an Asian woman. Same idea with Keanu who still looks more or less white despite whatever asian heritage he has.


Just an example:
And his white genes are not definitely predominant. He looks like an Asian, especially when he was younger. I.e., The Matrix.


If you want to test out this theory of Keanu looking Asian then do one thing - find a movie role of his where he plays a Viet Cong guerrilla in a Nam movie or a Japanese officer in a WWII epic. Find me parts when he's living in Thailand or Indonesia and is seen as one with the local populace. Show me a film about a forbidden romance between an Asian man and a white woman with him as the male lead.

You can't, because Keanu towers over the average Asian in both height and build, has pale skin, round non-slanted eyes, high cheek bones and thin lips, thus would look fucking ridiculous playing an Asian because all of his physical characteristics are evidence of someone with dominant European genes.

I grew up in the 90s when Keanu became a superstar first with Point Break and then with the film Speed. I don't remember anyone mentioning him being Asian. Then again I'm in Europe where people couldn't care less about these things and could tell he still looked more white than whatever other ancestry he might have.


So if he didn't play an Asian in movies, he doesn't look Asian to you? 😃


That's not the best point made in the post, but nonetheless Keanu has never been typecasted based on his "asian" appearance is probably what was implied.

But way to dodge the rest of his reasonable claims.


I didn't mention "typecasting". I said that they made his career because he embodies the mixed race archetipe that the Jewish elite wants for us. It's quite different.


Just discovered his mother was English. She should've helped him with the accent for Dracula.


I assume you're a native speaker and you can certainly know it better than me. I also read people complaining about his accent in The Devil's advocate. He's far from being a good actor. He works only in some action movies. My point was that they pushed him so bad because Hollywood loves racial mixing.


I think you're imagining things.


Sure, whatever...


White supremacists usually don't mind mixing with Asians so I'm surprised about the complaint. In any case, I don't really think there was ever any kind of agenda with Keanu. He rarely seemed to talk about his partial Asian heritage throughout his career & almost always played implicitly or explicitly white characters. "Slightly exotic white dude" with an exotic name and slightly exotic good looks made him stand out among the average Whitebread Hollywood himbos. The guy may have limited range but consistently putting in the work & taking risks has benefited his career multiple times.


"White supremacist"? Wrong shot, pal. Just because I'm against interracial marriage it doesn't mean I'm a "supremacist". It doesn't matter if Reeves talked or not about his heritage. The point is that Hollywood wants to push some interracial archetypes, and Reeves fitted that role, in my opinion. I don't dislike the guy, but he's clearly a mediocre actor with a quite limited range. It's plenty of talents who can't work in Hollywood because they are not woke, blacks, interracially mixed, Jews, etc.


Youre def insane. JS.


A lot of projecting uh?


Just trying to give you some tuff-luv.


Speed was a huge commercial success, and he was credited as the main reason.

And only after Speed he started to get major roles, so I think it is merited.


Keanu looks Russian, at best. And, while his acting does seem flat, he has successfully played in action, drama, romance and comedy movies. Did he have bad roles - of course. Quite a bit of them. But he also had some good, some great and some legendary.
