Overrated and pushed by Hollywood because of his mixed race?
I think I've seen most of the movies with Keanu and the few ones where he works are action movies as Speed and The Devil's advocate, his best interpretation by far. In the rest of his movies, his acting is pretty flat and he's basically always the same. I can't see any major difference in his acting between one movie and the other. So why did Hollywood push him so bad? I still remember an old article from the 90's in a magazine where Reeves was depicted as the "man of the future" because of his mixed race. He's the son of an Hawaiian father and an English mother. He's the archetype of the mingled race that Count Kalergi "dreamed" for Europe and we know that Hollywood is run by the Jews who want to destroy the white race through interracial relationships. So maybe Hollywood made him for this reason. Not for his acting skills. It made him because Keanu Reeves was the best way to convey the idea of the mixed race man that the Jews want to create in order to destroy white people.