MovieChat Forums > Jack Nicholson Discussion > Honesty, what do folks that rich do wit...

Honesty, what do folks that rich do with their money?

Lots of super-rich celebs have extravagant lifestyles. I'm not really talking about them. I'm curious what low-key Uber-rich dudes like Nicholson & Keanu do with it. They seem to live ridiculously below their means & seem more or less uninterested in their net wealth.

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Lakers games


Jack has season tickets (as in plural) to Lakers games. He's been known to bring friends and on at least one occasion someone he just happened to meet outside the arena.


Probably save it to give to give to their family after they die.


What any human being does with money?

Pay bills,food,gasoline for basic needs.
And buying things.


They buy the future, Mr. Gits! The future!


Buy Marlon Brando’s house and demolish it.
