Rest in peace, Ciccone
We live in a bacterial world.
shareShe is faking it to get out of a poor selling tour.
If the whole episode is fake, then Madonna needs psychiatric care. I don't follow her anymore - but you couldn't help but notice the absurd appearance change and crazy videos she did (I believe on Tik Tok). I thought two things, #1 - It's time to go home honey - it's over and #2 This girl may have lost her mind.
Anyway, if the whole almost dying thing was a phony publicity stunt, man, that's about as cheap as it gets.
I personally don't know factually either way.
Her narcissitic collapse is complete.
sharePerhaps in thinking that a delay will get more tickets sold. But I think really it is she will only get older the longer she waits.
shareYeah no doubt about that - she's pushing 65 I believe. As to what the truth is regarding her "illness" - I suppose we will never know. I would be interested, if in fact the tour does get going, in what kind of attendance she gets. Personally, as I said previously, I think time is up for her. It's way past her bedtime, time to bow out as gracefully as possible. But, hey, maybe she can still pack stadiums - who knows? I guess we'll see.