MovieChat Forums > Anne Heche Discussion > What is wrong with people? This is a sad...

What is wrong with people? This is a sad story all around.....

What a sad story all around and one that could have been much worse and what happens here? All sorts of jerks making all sorts of inhumane posts. The level of immaturity here is astounding.

So many morons that think they are hip, funny, witty, rogueish, or whatever, when instead are nothing but an asshole.


Just speaking for me, she gets no sympathy. I have no use for people who drive impaired and put the lives of innocent people at great risk. This was the best possible outcome: the DUI driver only hurt herself.

I feel sympathy for anyone who might have loved her, such as her kids, friends, parents, sibs, etc. But her ultimate fate was her choice.


I get that, but for people to make idiotic and immature jokes and statements is ridiculous and most likely done just because of the cowardly hiding behind the cover of anonymity. I always like what my Grandmother told me - if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it (though I admit - when provoked, I do share my own barbs).


I would think the best possible outcome would be that no one got hurt, rather than only the driver.


This. It was unfortunate and sad that she has passed. Thankfully no one else was hurt or killed. I bet if she had lived she would have made it right with the lady whose house was destroyed and finally gotten the help she needed.


None from me either. My parents were hit and killed in 2013, on their way home from their anniversary party. A man that was high on drugs. Absolutely zero sympathy for her. Others would feel differently if someone they loved was killed. Facts.


Sorry to hear that.


Thank you for that.. it really means a lot.


Please don't think I am defending impaired drivers. I don't think there is about any American that has not been touched by impaired drivers. Sorry for your own loss.


Sorry for your parents. I understand what you are saying.

No one else was hurt or killed except Heche. So i do have sympathy for her. Seemed She was always searching for something. Most likely love and sadly she turned to alcohol and drugs to cope with loneliness etc.

Now if you she would have killed someone. Yes I would be much less sympathetic.


I hear you and understand, and thank you. I think it was so much harder because I was an only child. I was 22 when it happened, so I was an adult, but we were so close.. the 3 Musketeers, lol.
A lot of people have been talking about a movie she did called Seven days, Six nights or something like that, and that it is a good film. The only thing I can really remember her from was I know what you did last summer. I am going to watch that tomorrow in her honour. Thanks again ❤️


I am so sorry you lost your parents. Especially under such a thoughtless and preventable circumstance 😢


Some people don't value human life and they're chomping at the bit to express it

A mentally ill drug addict is an acceptable person to dehumanize, so they get to release their loathing without exposing themselves as bigots


It's interesting how one side condemns the other when it's possible to relate to both perspectives and not rigidly sticking with one or the other: I feel sorry for Anne and how her life has ended at her own mentally ill hands, but I'm sure glad she didn't kill any innocent people in her mad driving spree, which -- let's face it -- was grossly irresponsible for a successful 53 year-old adult.




She was a beautiful bisexual woman with a beautiful family too.


Her sons favored her.


While I don't want her to die and I feel sympathetic to what was going on in her personal life, she could have killed someone. Apparently she was on cocaine when she crashed, so her not killing anyone was a miracle. If she survives, I hope she spends time in jail.


It's complicated is what it is.
When people talk about the really terrible shame, it's called the test of self conscious emotions


Fuck her, whether she was impaired or suicidal is not germane. Good riddance.


Its the same old story: on the Internet people feel safe to behave like garbage. Best to ignore it.


Many are seeming to take the view that she was just some awful addict who made terrible life choices that put herself and others at risk. Thus, "she did it to herself" and "the world is better off without her," yada-yada. Apparently, they've already decided that mental illness was in no way at play in the situation (either that or they haven't even factored in the possibility or just don't care).

Which, even if she was just an addict who made terrible choices, and that's the end of the story, I as well believe that it's kind of unnecessarily shitty and self-serving to hop on this opportunity to give a public hot take (excuse the pun) about how "she gets no sympathy from me" or "that's what you get for drunk driving" etc. As if the loss of life, in general, isn't sad. I recall similar behavior from people after Rush Limbaugh died (they even made "Good Riddance" trend on Twitter). Personally, I was about as far from a fan of that guy as it gets, but even with him I thought that was some scummy behavior. As usual, these people thought they were the ones with the moral high ground while they were acting like this.

But that's just how people are. They love any excuse to give a contrary or antagonistic opinion about a trending topic, regardless of the timing or situation. And they love picking sides. They're probably rationalizing it as bringing awareness to the dangers of drug abuse or something (I'm sure all the druggies lives will be changed after reading their posts). Personally, I think it's more likely that they just like the attention. Or, I suppose, in the best-case scenario, they're too blinded by their empathy for her potential victims to bother humanizing her and her situation, as well.
