MovieChat Forums > Johnny Depp Discussion > How do his fans reconcile the fact he LO...

How do his fans reconcile the fact he LOST in court in the UK, and was deemed a wife-beater by the judge?

I didn't follow either case that closely. But people seem eager to brush over the fact he lost the UK case and the judge found Heard's allegations to be true.


She wasn't a party in the UK, and thus an overwhelming amount of evidence against her wasn't allowed in. Plus they only had to prove a 51% probability that it happened.

The US case that he won was directly against her and had almost all the evidence included. Case closed.


yup that thing was rigged no evidence was allowed, against amber. the full court case had to be done later in the USA.


"I didn't follow either case that closely"

I watched the US court case (live, every afternoon for its entire duration), which was packed with evidence and was decided by a jury based on that evidence and not by one man based on limited evidence.

The UK case decision was bullshit.
