MovieChat Forums > Johnny Depp Discussion > He doesn't come off so good himself

He doesn't come off so good himself

during this trial. Slamming cabinets, breaking glasses, and cursing at her - he's clearly a drunk. That's not to say she is innocent, she is clearly a stereotypical hot crazy chick. I don't and won't defend her. But this portrayal of him as some helpless victim.

People are latching onto this because he is more popular and it's become a bit of a cause ("See, men can be abused too!"). They both have that rockstar personality/trait. By that, I mean wildly angry, abusive, party too hard, etc. Ia drunk or high most of the time, won't hesitate to throw something at a friend or loved one. Very volatile people. Usually skinny, not someone you fear because you think they can beat you up, but fear because they are unpredictable.

She deserves whatever happen to her, it's a shame he's being portrayed as a poster child for abuse victims. I will continue to watch movies with either of them if it's something that appeals to me.


Hasn't Depp famously "rearranged" hotel rooms? He was also a known alcoholic and drug abuser. The only thing that's different is the abuse allegation. He certainly seems verbally abusive, but, and I only read the headlines, he hasn't done anything physically abusive.

She seems to be a full-on psycho -- a quintessential example of the crazy/hot graph. One of the ways Hollywood will make someone root for a bad guy is by having a much worse guy. It's all about managing expectations. Even if Depp fails to win a judgment, he could start to rebuild his career. It probably wouldn't be wise to trust a drug fiend with a nine-digit franchise, but Hollywood loves a comeback. That said, I've never been a fan of his acting; the hair & make-up people usually carried him.


The heart of the case is Amber's claim that he physically abused her, and if she lied about that did that lie result in him losing out on Pirates 6 and Fantastic Beasts sequels. If she lied and it cost him those roles then he wins. Doesn't matter if he is a drunk or coke head, hell his drink and drug issues are well known prior to any of his recent roles so that doesn't even factor in. The only plausible reason that her lawyers are pushing that narrative is in the hope that they can confuse the jury into thinking that has anything to do with his lawsuit... If the jury has some old farts it might work, but one would hope they would realize whether he was drunk or coked up is irrelevant to his lawsuit against her.


The thread is about Depp not coming off well. Even if the trial is about defamation, there's also the court of public opinion, and, make no mistake, Depp's team cares what Joanne Public thinks.

He lost his libel claims in the UK, so, without following the day-to-day I'm inclined to assume he's in an uphill fight as the law over there is much more favorable to plaintiffs. People were surprised when Jesse Ventura won against the estate of fabulist Chris Kyle (and that guy was clearly making stuff up).


I followed the UK trial more than I have this one and all it did was convince me that the UK courts are more fucked up than the US system could ever be. It was decided solely by a judge who flat out ignored the fact that the Sun's start witness Amber was caught lying. In any reasonable court her credibility would have been shot and no one would have believed a damn thing she said... but the judge ignored the lies and took her word handing Depp defeat. Of course public opinion in that case went to Depp, and most people assumed Amber was blowing the judge or something. In this case she's got to fool a jury which might seem more difficult but I have to think there are going to be some women that will see through her bullshit. As for the public opinion this time around, so far he just seems like a drunk idiot in a midlife crisis... doesn't look like he ever beat his wife, though from all that has come out I wouldn't blame him if he had.


Yeah. He made jokes about it during his testimony. He admitted to trashing hotel rooms. He admitted to giving Marylin Manson drugs just to shut him up. He's on video throw shit around his kitchen. I wouldn't be surprised if he hit her (or anyone) at all, she just hasn't proven it.

Oh, she's definitely a whackjob. A walking cliche. Classic crazy hot chick.


He has, and he has been accused of assault in the past. I believe one was a hotel manager in 1989.

I'm not saying that that has anything to do with sexual assault, which I believe has only been claimed by Amber, so take that as you will. But I think there has also been claims of assault from a production manager, which may or may not have more to do with him losing out on Pirates 6 than the OpEd. I think he settled with that case as well as with his security team.

This isn't me absolving Amber of anything. If he did abuse her, I'm pretty sure she pushed him into it.


I never heard about that, but am on Wiki right now. 89 in Vancouver. A security guard and/or hotel manager. In 99 he assaulted a paparazzi in London.


I remember it because I had such a crush on him back then.


From what I understand the Op Ed was posted in December 2018, I could be wrong on that, but there was also this in 2018 that could have had something to do with studios not wanting to work with Depp as well


He’s had some good roles in his career. Gilbert Grape. Blow was a decent flick. Donnie Brasco was good. But i feel he’s the type of actor that another actor can slide into the role and the movie will be just fine.
He’s not the type of actor, ala Morgan Freeman, Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks, id personally even add Sam Rockwell, who you can’t even imagine anyone else doing their roles. I.e they MADE the movie what it was. Depp is not that type of actor to me.


Edward Scissorhands without Depp? Pirates without Depp? Sleepy Hollow without Depp? I cannot imagine. He owns these roles...


Fair enough. But I see him as a chill and mellow dude that can drink more than the average drinker and still act normally. Of course this brings its share of lows and that’s where you can scream/throw objects, but having a manipulative and psycho chick to unleash terror on you, can affect any normal dude. He’s far from normal so even harder for him to dealt with I think. Just the way she talked about his parenting is a solid example.


Those two are both toxic and horrible.

They should have stayed each other, they deserved each other.


I shouldn't be, but I am shocked how eager people are to make him a martyr all because he's more popular. I have no qualms watching something with him in it, but man what a dirtbag.


A lot of people really think that one side in a fight has to be good - that if one combatant is in the wrong, the other must be right.

Both sides of an argument can be wrong, and both combatants in a feud can be dirtbags.




You're right, Depp has a long, long history of drug use..and didn't he flee Hollywood when River Phoenix died and had been in Depp's druggie dance club doing the drugs that killed him?

Also, I don't pity a man who's in his 50's marrying a train-wreck that's 30 years younger than him. Marrying so young is literally asking for trouble, which is what he got and what he deserved.

Both these people are disgusting to me.


Ideally he’d like to rehabilitate his image and win damages but he’d probably settle for damaging her reputation in retaliation.


Does he even have to? The public is fawning over him.


He seemed bitter about the outcome of the earlier trial in Britain and to now think that her allegations have spoiled his career and cost him a lot of money.


And he's entitled to. If he didn't hit her and her accusations did indeed cost him a job, he has every right to be angry about that. But since he started to look like she was lying, people are making him out to be a saint, and frankly he comes off like a piece of shit in this trial.


I pretty much agree with everything you said there. I don't follow this trial, but from the "soundbites" I've heard that's what gathered.


He's on video yelling at her and throwing shit around his kitchen during a drunken rant in which she appeared to do nothing to him. And you know that's not the only time he did that. There are texts where he makes jokes about killing her and putting her body in his trunk. I cannot believe people are making this guy out to be some helpless victim.


What's concerning for Amber is that a video she privately recorded of him yelling and throwing shit around a kitchen is the best evidence we have of him being an abuser. None of these recordings have shown to prove any of her long list of physical and sexual abuse allegations. I love how you added that she appeared to do nothing to him. Because the video was of the whole day right, and didn't start from when he was already yelling?

And text messages? Is it not possible that "burn her" could also mean "take her down in court"? You've never talked in a non-literal sense in casual messages with friends?


Oh no, did she "privately record" his drunken temper tantrum?

He said during his testimony he was not proud of those texts. Are you saying he was "not proud" of the notion of "taking her down in court"? Stop.


To answer your first question, yes.

And are we hanging the evidence of physical and sexual abuse allegations on his text messages? You don't have to be proud of them lol


I didn't say he physically or sexually abused her.


You're the reason why lawyers ALWAYS tell celebrity not to counter defamation, becuase it will hurt yourself.


Did I make Johnny a drunk who likes to throw things or assault people?
