MovieChat Forums > Jamie Lee Curtis Discussion > Anyone else feel she's kind of arrogant?

Anyone else feel she's kind of arrogant?

I know she donates so much money and helps a lot of causes and all that, but just in like
Videos with interviews, conventions, and things she comes off as very distant and arrogant somehow, like she's being bothered by hearing someone talk or having to talk herself. Some might say she's opinionated or whatever but that's not the same thing. In her early days she was unaffected and seemed genuinely kind and open.

And I'm not saying this based off of some posts on her board already. She did a small thing where she met up with Kyle Richards recently in a video and she just seemed so disinterested and cold. Like she couldn't share that moment of reminisce with warmth, it's small things like that.


"Kind of" - no I think she's full on.


I always thought she looked like an ugly dyke and couldn't understand why everyone kept trying to portray her as "beautiful and sexy" when she isn't. In fact, the only reason she got anywhere in the 'biz was because of her dad.


Well take a look at her face. Just her face (nothing else).... and I'm going to agree with you.


Her mom had as much pull as her dad.


She needs to apologize to my Danielle Harris.


you obsessive fanboy stalkers need to stop worrying what people are like in real life .


To the OP:
None of us can really tell what another person is really like until we spend some time with them.
Celebrities, when it comes right down to it, are not much different than you or me. They just are in the spotlight a lot more. And are more attractive to the media, for better or worse. And I believe that all that attention can be exhausting.
