MovieChat Forums > Sandra Bullock Discussion > how does she look so much like Kendall J...

how does she look so much like Kendall Jenner?

how come 2 times recently when i've glanced at a pic of sandra on the cover of a tabloid magazine my first thought was that's Kendall Jenner? and then a second later, only when I look more carefully at the pic do I realize it's Sandra Bullock? how do they look so much alike? and how do they look so much alike when Sandra is old enough to be Kendall's grandmother almost?


Actually she kinda' looks like CAITLYN Jenner.

Same plastic surgeon?

- Except clearly Sandra has had more work done. (g)


Hahaha oh lord


Maybe Kendall modelled her look on Sandra


No, she definitely looks like Michael Jackson.



Definitely Michael Jackson.


She looks like Roselyn Sanchez to me.


Because transgenders and transsexuals go out of their way to look like famous female celebrities. Look at Pete Burns, for example.
