MovieChat Forums > Kim Basinger Discussion > Why did Kim Basigner marry Alec Baldwin?

Why did Kim Basigner marry Alec Baldwin?

And why didn't they sign a prenuptial agreement when they married in 1993? Was Alec Baldwin a user who saw a weak woman in Kim Basinger and trapped her?


Read Alec Baldwins memoir that came out a year or two ago. He talks all about it. Doesnt sound like they were ever really on the same page. Two way different people and backgrounds.


Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger – the living embodiment of Edward Albee’s George and Martha. They argued, they married, they argued some more, and even after a divorce, the arguing continued.


Bc at the time AB was a younger handsome rich movie star. (one who at the time seemed may achieve A list status like a Costner, Cruise etc) The tantrums were no doubt deemed an acceptable part of the arrangement, at least for a while ..
