MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Aniston Discussion > 11 Actors Who Starred in a Really Good M...

11 Actors Who Starred in a Really Good Movie and a Total Stinker in 2016


As to Willie aka Breakie, he deserves worse treatment. After Brad and Angelina's breakup, he went on Angelina's board and taunted Buttons, and made some unnecessary comments. He also praises himself for no longer posting on Angelina's board, and he has grown up. I told him that I would respond to any ridiculous threads, because of his juvenile behavior after the split.

When he posts that some of Jennifer's comedies are classics, and the OCP is a great movie, I'm sorry but I have to respond to the contrary.

The only thing Willie is guilty of is trying to get attention on this board. Other than that if he went to the Angelina board and gave that mofo buttons a piece of his mind or trolled him in any way then i applaud him for that. Way ta go Willie. 

And its really pathetic that you acting like a side-piece to that mentally deranged Buttons person. I hope he lets you suck his dick for all the loyalty you are showing.
