MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > Those Russian Jews

Those Russian Jews

Has Woody come out with a public statement on the Ukraine invasion yet? He's a Russian Jew and might have some thoughts on it. I wonder what other Russian Jews like Winona Ryder or Timothee Chalomet think of it.


No public statement that I'm aware of.

I'm guessing he'd be against it.

Most of them (Hollywood celebrities) will say they're against it, anyway.


Don't expect him to enlist anytime soon, though. Rambo he ain't. LOL


I doubt Chalomet would be a lot of help, either. Never know for sure, though. James Blunt was a tank commander.


Allen has a very low threshold of death. His doctor says he can't have bullets enter his body at any time.


Yeah. Plus, if they shot him in the eyes, he'd die. He wouldn't just be blind because the bullets go right through.


You never saw Woody's Love and Death?


Woody Allen's parents (born around 1900) were both born and raised in Manhattan. His grandparents (born around 1870) came from Austria and Lithuania.

It is absurd to call Woody Allen a 'Russian' Jew. No origin of his family in Russia is known, and it is rather doubtful how much of a 'Jew' he is in any meaningful way other than birth, given his well-known agnosticism.

Considering your habit to call other people 'Russian Jews' who aren't Russian in any way, this makes curious as to your motives to do that.


I caught a brief interchange of the September 27th “Late Show” when Stephen Colbert was interviewing the well-known foreign war correspondent Clarissa Ward. She seemed to be concluding that Russia has an unusual propensity to tolerate suffering, so that a long war would not be all that psychologically difficult for the country as a whole.

Her comment reminded me of how long Russia was able to hold out, starvation common by the end, to the siege of Leningrad by the German Nazis in World War II. They ultimately shifted the whole tide of the war.

There are many jokes about Russian tolerance for suffering, and the role of vodka in coping with it. Take Woody Allen in his 1975 film “Love and Death,” when the antihero Boris Grushenko said this about human suffering, in a sort of word play like that of the psychiatrist and writer, R.D. Laing:

“To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love, but then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer, to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love, to be happy then is to suffer but suffering makes one unhappy, therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.”


Good to see another MC NAZI is gone!


Woody referenced Russian Jews as having horns in "Love & Death"
