MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > And Once More Unto The Breech, or By The...

And Once More Unto The Breech, or By The Way Woody Allen is Innocent

With all the junk here about Woody and Soon-Yi as "steps", I thought it was time to repost this excellent documentary on the Allen V Farrow mess with the truth, not the lies from the HBO doc. This has what AVF didn't have....TRUTH BASED EVIDENCE. Did you all know Mia's brother John IS a tried, convicted, and imprisoned child rapist? Lastly, why aren't you asking why Mia treats her foreign adopted children as domestics and slaves, and three of them are dead due to neglect (Lark, Tam, Thaddeus) , and two of them (Moses and Soon-Yi) accuse her of violence and abuse. Or is it only the white and blonde kids that matter?


The Farrows were a totally screwed up family, history of suicide, sex abuse. HBO is garbage.


Thank you. 🙏


I see where even wikipedia ignores any history of John Farrow Jr. Mia's brother.


That's the Farrow Mafia at it. And they had the audacity to say Woody pays the press to not talk about the scandal. That he has some kind of media empire at his beck and call. Who was it again who got Hachett to drop Apropos For Nothing?


I find that *nuts*. He doesn't have his own page, there's barely any mention of any of it on Mia's page, it's not brought up anywhere on Wikipedia. Although, since it's an "open-source encyclopaedia," I guess the blame falls on all of us who aren't editing it, huh?


It’s “unto,” not “onto.”


Dylan is a liar and everyone knows it. It's just the cancel culture Fascists say everyone must believe the lies. So evil,


Moses Farrow did an excellent job of illustrating how absurd the Dylan/Mia story is:


She might be brainwashed, and not necessarily lying...?




I clicked on "jump to latest", thinking there'd be somebody either agreeing wholeheartedly or screaming about Allen's guilt, but instead I just found a fellow Shakespeare fan. Greetings unto you.


This needs to be mainstream. HBO should have shown this in instalments alongside their documentary. Or, maybe Showtime should've picked it up...?


Would you like to show it to them because the only narrative being let loose on the public and in mainstream press is that of the Farrow Mafia. Until the "woke" and "metoo" whatevs are gone and buried, only then can we have a return to normalcy. Look at what's happening to Marilyn Manson, Chris Noth, and others. Guilty until proven guilty no matter the actual facts. There is only one narrative only and that is The Patriarchy must be murdered and fed through the woodchipper.


I think that truth needs to be the highest ideal with things like this.


Well good luck with that, because it ain't happening any time soon.


I think the main thing is to individually hold this principle and spread that value as far as we can. It's a good value and impossible to argue against. And if that's what enough people hold dear, the truth will win.
