MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > What are we supposed to think about Wood...

What are we supposed to think about Woody v. Mia, Dylan and Ronan ?

I don't know that they got anything for selling Woody out, or that they did in fact sell him out. I don't know why those people lined up on the side against Woody, or if they felt they had to. Maybe they just did not have a connection to Woody, or he did not treat them like they thought he would or ... it just sounds to me that what people do in case where no one really knows for sure, and it is a family issue that has exploded into the public - it is some personal thing with them ... and either way it is awkward to be in the public.

What I understand Woody is supposed to have done is to touch their adopted daughter one time when she was up in an attic, which Moses Farrow claimed did not even exist, after Mia broke up with Woody. I don't know what would be an appropriate way to look at that even if he did what was claimed. So the continuous shoving of this in the face of the public just seems like pure hate on the part of Mia and Dylan Farrow, and now that Ronan is famous for defending women and pointing out the abuses of powerful men

Several of Mia's adopted children have said that their home and upbringing was dysfunctional and that Mia was emotionally abusive. Why do celebrities adopt a bunch of kids like that? Those kids are stuck more than any others in the way that if they reject their parents they fall a very long way to nothing. So they are like loyal pets ... the whole system is by its own nature messed-up.

I have to wonder ... this world revolves around money, and that is all.


Children accusing their own father, and maintaining that accusation their entire lives without any obvious motive to lie such as money is very compelling. Woody Allen's own questionable and downright creepy behavior makes him look very bad, such as marrying a girl he essentially co-parented & helped raise from childhood.


The motive is to not disappoint and enrage her abusive mother. Woody's creepy behavior as you call it, and I can't disagree, does not make him a criminal or pedophile though. His so-called creepy behavior was always before and since with young WOMEN, not prepubescent girls. Woody also did not really co-parent Sun-Yi, and the two have been together ever since. I am reading the new autobiography just published. It is pretty interesting. I have not really gotten to that part yet so cannot quote his opinions on it. When it first was reported I believed it, but I do not now. I cannot explain it but read the accounts by Moses Farrow of how abusive Mia Farrow was an how dysfunctional her family is. Also, consider these adopted kids who feel they have been abandoned and do not have anyone, and then they are adopted by rich and famous people ... how can they ever be themselves for fear they will be abandoned again and never see as rich a life as with their celebrity parent. That in itself is abuse and I don't know why they allow this ... it's creepy.


Not wanting to disappoint her mother being a reason for holding on to a her entire life is more far fetched & unlikely than it simply being the truth. Allen defenders often cite the semantics of Allen not "legally" not being her father as somehow making it less creepy when it really doesn't. I think marrying a someone you knew as a child and acted as a father to is creepy by any decent standard and not just my personal interpretation as you keep suggesting. Add to that another child of Allen's confirming disturbing accounts of being an eye witness to Allen climbing into bed at night and making Dylan suck his thumb it to me it becomes increasingly likely to be true. Is it "possible" that his adult children are have spent their entire lives holding on to terrible, corroborating lies about Allen with flimsy motives? "Possible" but I think very unlikely.




> Not wanting to disappoint her mother being a reason for holding on to a her entire life is more far fetched & unlikely than it simply being the truth.

Not to men, and not having read just about everything I can find on the matter. Think what you want, but don't make declarative statements you don't know anything about without qualifying it as your opinion. You have set up a bunch of priors that are questionable and not proven, some of them just wrong, and then proceed to use the false premised to push to a conclusion.

Never hear anything about the thumb-sucking thing, nor who the eye-witness was. This all happened as Mia Farrow was separating from Allen and seeking child-support for a son, Ronan, who was not even his, though Woody has accepted that responsibility. Today from his looks you can tell Ronan is not Allen's son. Money.


I've given my opinions and identified them as such so i don't know what you're going on about. You're also entitled to your opinion & no one is arguing against that point.

Woody Allen's own children Dylan & Ronan have confirmed & long maintained some pretty damming accusations that sound a lot more credible to me than the proposed "Mia Farrow made em do it" theory. Again, the creepy & disconcerting "step daughter" marrying thing makes it all the more believable.


Neither are Woody's own children. Read some of the articles, and listen to Moses Farrow's account. The incident was supposed to have occurred in an attic, which did not exist. Once stuck in a lie few people back down, and it may be that Dylan does not even realize it, or of course there may be some kind of situation where she is telling some kind of truth.

Let's go hypothetical. Let's say Woody touched Dylan. The accusation is that this happened one time. It's an ugly thought, but what would be the reaction if it did happen. One could think up all kinds of scenarios - none of which can be proven, like you say - it is all Rorschach imaginary fill-ins from whatever people happen to read, happen to be exposed to, how they feel about Woody Allen, and of course how they feel about Jews, or Hollywood, etc. What should happen to him if he did what was claimed.

It is much more likely to me that after pretty much ignoring his sister's decades long complaining and attacks and vindictiveness the Ronan Farrow who is solidly #MeToo branded, decided he had to take a public stand on this for his own credibility as the #MeToo guy, who wrote the book. And oddly enough, I think Ronan has done amazing work. But the politics of these situations overrides.

Why has Dylan allowed this to dominate and ruin her life? Even Ronan questioned her about this for years. Until he became the #MeToo spokesMAN. What are Dylan's actual damages? What is her complaint, and why would she not be happy until Woody Allen and his reputation are completely destroyed and dragged through the mud. Over one small Schroedinger's touch? I see the lack of any proportionality in that as the most glaring sign of its improbability. But, as always, I have to leave myself an open mind and always consider there is stuff I probably do not know. But I do know I like Woody Allen's movies and the world would be a poorer place without them.

-- By the way you never mentioned the source of that sucking the thumb thing which I have never heard, and I have actually spent quite a while reading about this.


Oh, and by the way, what I am "on about" is your assumption, even insistence about the total lack of motives in play on the Farrow side. That is pure naivete or just failure to think about it. Thinking that she has nothing to gain is ... well, I hope you are not a police detective because I don't think you would ever crack a case or get it right.


So according to your opinion, it's "naive" to perceive no obvious, and consistent motive across high profile cases of false allegations (i.e. money) the theory that it was the "diabolical machinations of her mother that somehow implanted a lie in Dylan's mind that has lasted her entire life... and I guess by extension Ronan Farrow who had his own disturbing accounts about Allen's behavior? (Google is an easy tool to use) No, I believe the exact opposite to be true.


Implanted lies are known to have happened, as in the McMartin School case and others of the whole Satanic Panic abuses cases from the 1980s. Seems to me that brux is simply making the point that there's no conclusive evidence that Woody Allen is guilty, and at least enough evidence to suggest the possibility that Mia did manipulate her children.


That appears to be a case of implanted lies into children in what sounds like an extremely abusive cult situation. Even then I doubt the lies were maintained their entire lives, assuming they eventually got help. That's one thing but can you provide a single example of a high profile celebrity being accused by his own children as a result of such false memory brainwashing that they maintained for life? There seems to be no precedent to view this as a 'likely' case of false allegations when comparing it to proven or probable false allegations against celebrities.


"That appears to be a case of implanted lies into children in what sounds like an extremely abusive cult situation."

What are you talking about? The McMartin preschool case and other similar cases had nothing to do with abusive cults.


Yeah, that post sounds like you did not read my comment, or consider it. What is the motivation. As I say, read some more of the information out there. What did Mia want, revenge and money, what did she get, revenge and money. What did Woody get ... supposedly a one time diddle of 7 year old in an attic that did not exist. Sorry to be crude or blunt, but I'm done with this conversation with you.


Woody Allen's own creepy & inappropriate behavior & his own children maintaining their accusations into adulthood rings more true than life long brainwash/false memory theory. Dylan Farrow to my knowledge has not received a or even pursued any financial payoff from Woody Allen stemming from her allegations. I am curious exactly how Mia supposedly got money out of it from Allen so do share. I've never heard of Woody Allen paying Mia Farrow off regarding the child abuse allegations which would make Dylan Farrow maintaining her accusations (with no financial intensive) make even less sense. You're entitled to your opinion but I definitely believe Dylan Farrow & Ronan Farrow's disturbing and incriminating accounts of Woody Allen's sexual abuse in their childhood. P.S. Also for the record many upstairs loft areas can easily be viewed & treated as attics and vice versa, so unless there was no upstairs loft area of any sort, calling that a minor discrepancy would be an understatement.


If Dylan genuinely believes her own accusations, then it makes a great deal of sense. I'm not saying that those memories were implanted when she was young, only that it's possible, especially since no other accusations of sexual child abuse have ever been raised against Woody Allen. And pedophiles don't restrict themselves to just one victim, or just one time.

We just can't know for sure, one way or the other, at this juncture. We all have our opinions & strong feelings, but those aren't solid evidence either way. And without that solid evidence, the man is still presumed innocent.


One public accusation maintained by his own daughter (corroborated by another of Woody Allen's own children and a credible public figure who reported witnessing Allen's inappropriate behavior towards Dylan ) doesn't necessarily mean one victim. I believe Mia Farrow accused Allen of grooming & molesting her daughter Soon-Yi when she was underage(Before he married her..Yeesh!) which was of course was denied. So Dylan Farrow is the only first hand accuser that has maintained her allegations publicly.

I'd say a single accuser being as credible as the accused person's own daughter, who never changed her story & never sought financial gain is far more credible than numerous accusations from past associates & hanger ons with financial motives.


The authorities who investigated the claims did not find her credible. It isn't just that they found no evidence, they concluded that Mia Farrow had most likely influenced her children's statements. They also said that Mia and Dylan's stories were not consistent. Have you read the report or the conclusions of the investigation? On what points do you disagree with the authorities?


The only conclusion I can really draw from all this he said/she said/they said drama is that both Woody Allen and Mia Farrow were negligent parents. If Mia is the alleged rage-aholic, then Allen knew this and let his kids be abused. If she wasn't and Allen was indeed a pedophile or ephebophile, then where was Farrow when all of this was taking place?

Either way, neither one looks innocent in this situation. Both are guilty of fking their kids up, but in what exact ways, I'm not sure we'll ever know.


ephebophile ... thanks, I've never heard that word before. I'd have to agree with that. But then so are a huge percentage of parents, maybe so much so as it is the norm. There is so much humanity just doesn't think about of take seriously in pursuit of all the stuff we've been told is important.


Welcome. Also, I think you're mostly right - parents do damage their kids. But this particular family situation is/was exacerbated by money and fame, I guess, and continues to be.


Ephebophilia is ironically pronounced ee-feeb-a-FEEL-ya


side with Mia, Dylan and Ronan



Why? The police investigation concluded that Mia had coached Dylan and that the allegations were untrue. Ronan was a little kid at the time and his opinion is simply that, not evidence. There will never be evidence that Allen is guilty so he should be presumed innocent.


id lock him up anyway with weinstein who cares about evidence againist pedos


There has to be evidence that he is one, and so far that "evidence" has been dubious at best, definitely falling into the shadow of a doubt category, and in a major way. If solid evidence emerges, then by all means try & convict him. But until then, he's still innocent until proven guilty. Unless you want to imprison someone who may well be innocent in this particular case, simply on a gut feeling. I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone, including you.


Hey Joogle83,
How would you know that a man or woman were indeed a pedophile (or not), if not because of the evidence (or lack thereof)? What other criteria of truth would you consider?
Are you familiar with Arnaud Amalric's quote "Kill them all, God will know His own"? Would you say you agree with that world view?


Well said -- wish there was an Upvote button right now!


That Allen ended up in a relationship with Previn and Farrow's adopted daughter (not HIS adopted daughter as many claim) doesn't look good... BUT

Let's be clear. Mia Farrow is a flake. I'd be more inclined to believe that she used her own daughter to get revenge on Allen. Moses Farrow essentially confirms that she was an unpleasant women who trained her daughter to believe she was molested (two investigations support this).

One day in the future, long after both parents are dead I suspect Dylan will confirm.


I've literally never seen an example of this scenario. Especially not a high profile one. A grown woman somehow completely steadfast in maintaining a lifelong lie about being sexually abused since childhood with the only motive being not wanting to publicly discredit her mother who "fed" her the story? Better to maintain a lifelong lie about your own father? I don't buy that scenario. Statistically way more probable that Woody Allen did exactly what his daughter Dylan Farrow has long accused him of doing.
I simply find the idea ridiculous that the "technicality" of Woody Allen not legally being Soon Yi's adopted father somehow makes it totally normal and not at all suspicious or inappropriate & indicative of Allen at the very least "grooming" his "not daughter" from a very young age. I believe Dylan Farrow & I also believe Woody Allen's son who supports her & reportedly witnessed some of Allen's odd and inappropriate behavior towards Dylan himself.


The police detectives and child psychologists who investigated the case concluded that Dylan was lying, and had most likely been brainwashed by Mia. Ronan is a moist chihuahua who deserves some vigorous slapping.


I'm more creeped out by Ronan Farrow as a person.


Allen is a grade A grade creep


What are we supposed to think? We are supposed to think for ourselves, not just jump on the wagon of whatever is most trendy. We're supposed to educate ourselves so we know that the police and psychologists determined that Allen was innocent, and that Farrow brainwashed the kid.
