MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > What are we supposed to think about Wood...

What are we supposed to think about Woody v. Mia, Dylan and Ronan ?

I don't know that they got anything for selling Woody out, or that they did in fact sell him out. I don't know why those people lined up on the side against Woody, or if they felt they had to. Maybe they just did not have a connection to Woody, or he did not treat them like they thought he would or ... it just sounds to me that what people do in case where no one really knows for sure, and it is a family issue that has exploded into the public - it is some personal thing with them ... and either way it is awkward to be in the public.

What I understand Woody is supposed to have done is to touch their adopted daughter one time when she was up in an attic, which Moses Farrow claimed did not even exist, after Mia broke up with Woody. I don't know what would be an appropriate way to look at that even if he did what was claimed. So the continuous shoving of this in the face of the public just seems like pure hate on the part of Mia and Dylan Farrow, and now that Ronan is famous for defending women and pointing out the abuses of powerful men

Several of Mia's adopted children have said that their home and upbringing was dysfunctional and that Mia was emotionally abusive. Why do celebrities adopt a bunch of kids like that? Those kids are stuck more than any others in the way that if they reject their parents they fall a very long way to nothing. So they are like loyal pets ... the whole system is by its own nature messed-up.

I have to wonder ... this world revolves around money, and that is all.


A man's own daughter accusing her of sexually abusing her is very compelling, as if the man marrying his step daughter
wasn't creepy & pervy enough all on its own no matter how much one tries to sanitize it. I absolutely believe his daughter Dylan (supported by her brother Ronan, A respected journalist who corroborates Allen's inappropriate behavior towards her as a child) who still maintains that he sexually abused her with no obvious ulterior motives like seeking monetary gain. This is no witch hunt or extortion hustle. I believe her. Woody Allen is a sick pedophile.
