MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > How is this guy meant to be funny?

How is this guy meant to be funny?

He's the single most neurotic "comedian" I've ever seen, and I haven't even seen ANY of his movies, except for "Antz".


I don't really see him as a true comedian, his early movies started out like that but he had a string of great intelligent movies in the 1970s and 80s that explored the human condition.

Allen may not be your cup of tea, but I urge you to see some of his mid 1970s and 1980s movies.

My fav is 'Crimes and Misdemeanors' (1989)

Allen "The last time we had sex was April 20th"

Spouse "You remember the date the last time we had sex?"

Allen - "How could I forget, it was Hitler's birthday.'


You CAN'T be serious. What you posted is a definite turn-OFF.


Not you cup of tea I guess.
I don't know why that would turn you off...If you thought that this line suggested Allen knew Hitler's birthday because he is a fan of Adolf Hitler.... perhaps these movies are not for you.

How about this line...

"The last time I was in a woman was when I visited the 'Statue of Liberty'.😆

'Crimes and Misdemeanors' is not a comedy. Deals with religion, faith, realism, guilt, a whole gamut of emotions. Allen's role is only about one quarter of the movie.


Another funny line (don't remember which movie) I think it's Farrow telling Woody that since they've been having trouble conceiving a child he might not masturbate so much. His reply is, "Don't knock one of my favorite hobbies."
If that isn't funny then I don't know what is.


Antz wasn't really his movie, just one where they used him for the voice. I saw several of his films before he went out and started banging his partner's adopted daughter which was the point where I wrote off ever watching anything he made which was sometime in the early 90's. Prior to that I would say that some of his movies were just absolute crap, some were well made but it was a matter of taste as to whether most would consider them good or not. Now the by and large the ones where he decided to star in them movies are the worst, because as you pointed out he really isn't funny. Some people may find his type of humor funny but I never did. If you never watched a single movie he ever made you wouldn't be missing anything. Reality is there are so many movie in existence already that you could easily be entertained by movies from not until the day you die and never reach a point where the only thing left to watch was a Woody Allen movie.


His movies ARE unique and have artistic merit.

You really can't call yourself a movie buff or aficionado and make the statement "I have never seen a Woody Allen movie".


Give the number of movie out there you could easily be a movie buff and yet cross Woody Allen off your list... It would be a different story if were were trying to cross off everything by a better director... but Allen isn't really in the same class of directors as Coppola or a Spielberg... I don't think I can think of a single movie Allen made that did anything to move cinema or which caused other directors to change the way they did something.


Tom I disagree.

He is not simply a director. He is a writer/director. A more apt comparison would be not Francis Ford Coppola but Steve Martin. While I agree that his directorial prowess is not on the same level as Speilberg or Wells, Allen's unique movies should seen by anyone that has a passion for film.

The standard I use is this - If your job was a professional movie critic, could you completely dismiss ones work and call yourself the same?

Great scene


You haven't seen any/many of his films? Yet judge? Moron

Play it Again, Sam (1971) was the best.


So you don't like him, but haven't seen any of his movies. That sounds like how people are voting for President.


His humor is of two types.

1. Pointing out how quirky people are. So, he creates movies about odd people and their struggles.

2. Many comedians do the "Did you ever notice..." comedy about goofy things in every day life. That is jewish "complaining" humor. He does a lot of that in movies but subtly due to the fact it's a movie and not a standup routine.

So, his humor is't "jokes" but rather observations about life and witty comments.


Agreed, his comic approach is all about the little details of everyday life, the complications we so often make for ourselves, our sometimes overwrought fears & sometimes unrealistic expectations … in short, the human condition. And in all of that, there's plenty of room for serious examination of the flaws all humans have to some degree or another, and the big questions about life, justice, fate, love, loss, death. It's not unusual for a funny, even absurd bit of his comedy to wind up saying something quite meaningful about our lives.


Well said!

My family had that kind of humor so I always liked his material.

He is of course a weird dude, but I never saw a movie of his I hated. The relationship films could be exhausting though. They were okay when I was a kid, but once I actually got into relationships, I didn't want to see films about them! I can live it.

As I got older and more experienced then Captain America and Superman became better film options lol.


I think most comedians have a time when they are funny but in ten-fifteen-twenty years everyone has moved on and the perception of humour changes. I used to find his early routines and slapstick silly films funny but I probably wouldn't anymore. I guess if you want to find out why he is/was a comedian you're going to have to look up the really early stuff and see if it still holds up. Also perhaps neurotic worked better when he was a much younger man.


As someone who has not seen any of his movies (a voice role in one cartoon doesn't count), you are perfectly qualified to have an opinion about the quality of his humor.


"I haven't seen his work and I don't understand why people like it"



Harsh but fair.
