Dylan Farrow says she wants to bring down Woody Allen for sexual abuse
shareI'm really getting tired of self-righteous puritans sympathetic to the #MeToo witch-hunt hysteria parroting what they think they know about the Woody Allen case.
shareLiberals want us to sign written consent forms before sex.
shareIt doesn't take puritanism to realize that a daughter molesting pervert like Woody Allen should be condemned. Just basic human decency.
shareThe left is and always has been way to defensive of Woody Allen. That tells us all we need to know.
shareAnyone who has paid attention to the facts will defend Woody Allen. Of all the accused celebrities, he is the most obviously innocent.
shareWhat are you talking about?
Since #MeToo, many parts of the extreme left have been gunning for Woody Allen over allegations that are about 25 years old. Look at the New York Times, for example.
And various actors who were happy to appear in his films during this interim, have now, hypocritically, turned their backs on him.
Since #MeToo, many parts of the extreme left have been gunning for Woody Allen over allegations that are about 25 years old. Look at the New York Times, for example.
Dylan was brainwashed by her psychopathic mother. Unfortunately for her, Woody Allen, and anyone else involved, her derangement has persisted into adulthood.
shareHell hath no fury like a woman scorned
shareWoody Allen's own perverted behavior points towards his daughter accusations being true. Being "brainwashed" into believing a lifelong lie about being molested is extremely far-fetched when compared to an accuser as credible as a man's own daughter, when the degenerate in question put his creepy & perverted behavior on full display, grooming another daughter as child and making her his wife.
shareSoon-Yi was not his daughter. Nor was she his step-daughter. And they have been happily married for more than two decades now, raising two adopted daughters who are proud of them being their parents. And the 1980s showed how easily small children could be convinced of something that never actually happened, i.e., the McMartin School case & many other cases of alleged molestation that put innocent people in jail for things they never did & that never happened.
shareThe fact that Soon-YI wasn't "legally" adopted by Allen doesn't change the fact that he helped raise her as a child & she called him father. Woody Allen defenders never fail to predictably bring up that legal technicality, as if it suddenly makes it perfectly fine, and not at all sick & predatory, which says something about them.
shareI agree to an extent. I find it creepy, but much less creepy and indicative of societal decay than, say, drag queen shows for children. There's much worse to be concerned about than things like Jerry Lee Lewis marrying a cousin. What Allen did is nearly incestuous, but not illegal and only adults were involved. The vengeful Mia Farrow has made much too big a deal of it.
shareI agree. I find the whole drag show for children thing to be gross insanity. What I still find worse however is Jerry Lewis committing a double whammy of pedophilia & incest by marrying his 13 year old child cousin & Woody Allen marrying a girl he helped raise, who grew up calling him dad. As if that's not creepy enough, add to that the lifelong testimony of being sexually assaulted by Woody Allen by another daughter.
shareYou certainly won't find me advocating for the purification of Woody Allen's reputation. However, I don't trust much of anything that the Farrows have to say about him either.
shareYou're very good at repeating what the beautiful people on television say.