Natalie Wood

One must wonder what would REALLY happen if he married Natalie?


A different timeline for both of them.


As bad as Robert Wagner was ( if you believe the rumours ) Elvis was worse.


There's nothing wrong with Robert Wagner. The rumors are just ignorant gossip.


What, all of them ?


I’m not saying that I believe it but the rumour is that Robert Wagner murdered Natalie. How can Elvis be worse?


I read somewhere that Natalie considered him too square, since during the time they dated, he did not get drunk, smoke or cuss. How valid that is I have no idea, I also read his mom did not approve of her.


Doesn't drink smoke cuss and is Elvis

NW- nah hes no good. Robert hes much more fun


well then I guess she got what she deserved.


Yeah he did not drink, smoked cigarillos only but cussed like a sailor (it's a southern thing, his parents were similar). But he didn't like the profanities against his mother and God, he took them as literal insults against his mom. And yes, his mother did not like her.


It seemed he changed in the 70's, since he used drugs. Probably drank and smoked too due to the stress of his marriage failing and eclipsing fame. Very sad.


The drugs were all prescription drugs. In the 50s and 60s, they were thought of like vitamins are today. He was given amphetamines in the army by his sergeant. But he had access to it from his mother. Her diet pills were actually amphetamines but he wasn't dependent on them until the army. He never really drank nor did he liked alcohol until the day he died. And he didn't smoke cigarettes, only cigarillos, a type of thin tobacco and he started this in the 50s but kept it quiet until the 70s. The drug dependency became worse with the divorce and even more so when the book came out. He was devastated by these 2 events.


Never knew his mom took diet pills. I read about his heartache over that book. It was written by former friends.


Yeah. It was written by Red and Sonny West (cousin) and Dave Hebler. The former 2 were very old friends. Elvis and Red have known each other since highschool. Elvis was always their weird kid in school because he wore his hair long, had sideburns and wore very flashy clothes (pink was his favorite color). 1 time 3 bullies cornered him in the bathroom, pinning him, about to cut his hair when Red came in and rescued him.

Red and Sonny loved Elvis but had bad tempers, more so Red (but so did Elvis actually). By the 60s, they would get too aggressive with fans and Elvis had a lot of pending lawsuits because of it. According to the bodyguards, they were let go because Red and Sonny confronted Elvis because of the drugs. But I think it's likely because of both reasons, their aggressiveness were causing Elvis a lot of money since the 60s. Regardless, Elvis told his father to suspend Red and Sonny and give them enough for 3 months. Elvis father otoh hated the Memphis Mafia and instead fired them with 1 week's pay (This is according to Sonny who found out later that Elvis had no plans to fire them, only suspend with 3 month's pay). In both anger and bitterness (as well as an attempt to save him from himself according to Red), they wrote the book with the help of Steve Dunleavy. Steve is a tabloid Australian reporter who worked under the orchestration of Rupert Murdoch, a publishing giant who set out to destroy Elvis. The 3 have since regretted it since they were manipulated and a lot of what they said was twisted and spun differently from intended and a lot of the good they mentioned was left out.


I wonder how her mom felt about Elvis?


Micheal Jackson prolly wouldn't have married, maybe?


Natalie was more into him than he was into her. This is a quote from 1 of the Memphis Mafia's asking Elvis about her and what he witnessed:

[LAMAR FIKE: What’s it like with her?” And he smiled and made an extremely graphic and very funny remark about her feminine hygiene. I thought, “Oh, God.” I was crushed. He ruined it for me.


Natalie Wood came over to the suite a couple of times. We started calling her the Mad Nat. By now I knew that Natalie was a good person, but she was nuttier than a fruitcake. She wasn’t very sure of herself, and you never knew what she was going to do. One day, she got out on the window ledge at the Beverly Wilshire. Apparently, she’d decided she liked Elvis better than she did in Memphis because she said she was going to commit suicide over him.

I came running in to Elvis, and I said, “Elvis, she’s out on that thing! She’s going to jump!” And he said, “Fuck it, she won’t jump.” I said, “I’m telling you, she’s going to do it!” She crouched out there about half an hour—promising, swearing—she was going to jump. We finally talked her back in. I just collapsed in a chair. But Elvis was real nonchalant. He said, “I told you she wouldn’t do it.”]
