MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which movies are intentionally a pain in...

Which movies are intentionally a pain in the a** to understand?

I want movies that encrypt themselves, intentionally deceive, hide their meaning, and present problems to your brain. I want movies that wrap themselves in cruel mystery, shadowy discussion, warped logic and bizarre thinking. One point if you can do this without mentioning Lynch.


The movie you're looking for is named Tina and the Professor (1994). Welcome to MovieChat, dirtbag.


Interesting. I appreciate how it demonstrates the human capacity to independently engineer their perception of reality to one's own maximum benefit. A little too Lynchian unfortunately. Thank you.


I want movies that wrap themselves in cruel mystery, shadowy discussion, warped logic and bizarre thinking

Bloodsport and Roadhouse sound like they'd be right up your alley.


So much more to those movies than just big action spectacle, if you're just willing to look beneath the surface. But few make the effort.


Those oiled abs, muscles.. which alley are we talking about?



You've gotten some pretty good answers so far, I would only add Fight Club (1999) and No Country for Old Men (2007), although I suspect you've already seen them.

There's also this hidden gem on YouTube:


There's Donnie Darko. there's also Southland Tales by writer/director Richard Kelly, but that might have been a little too nonsensical. Even a lot of people who like those kind of movies were like "What the hell?" with that one.


Movies from Darren Aronofsky might fill your requirements.


He seems to alternate between quality dramas and those baffling, what was that about kind of movies.

I really liked the Wrestler and the Whale.


Pie was kool


Naked Lunch (1991) seems to fit.


The popular "The Shining" appears to have different interpretations especially about the ending and photo.

"Perfect Days" and 'Midsomer" were confusing.


The Fountain (2006) A very bizarre movie.


Uuhhh too blockbuster for me.



I cannot understand much of what went on in either movie and maybe never will!
They were both pretty good but super confusing.

Welcome to MC, you’ll meet some good folks here.


Inception was the first movie to come to my mind, too. I know you have to pay very close attention to Christopher Nolan movies but the night we watched it I just wasn't in the mood to, and by the end of it I had no idea what I had just watched. 😂


We could set a date and time for a mutual rewatch and try to figure it out together. It’s got a fine director and good cast, it might be worth a try.


I'm game! Just name an evening that you're free at 7PM and I'll do it. I'll try not to ask "what the heck just happened" more than 20 times. 😂 Mr. fourlemons understood it so maybe he can help us, too.


I really enjoy most of Nolan's movies, but I didn't even go to see Inception based on the synopsis. Dreams within dreams within other peoples' dreams or something? Nah, I'll pass.


My head was spinning!
