MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > We are totally f'cked as a species--

We are totally f'cked as a species--

Just how I feel today, here in SoCal, where, on Jan. 11, it's too freaking warm outside for a long-sleeved shirt!


Have faith in humanity.

Us and the cockroaches will survive.


Faith? Are you kidding? Look who we just elected as "leader of the free world!"


Does the sun still shine in the part of the world where you are and are puppies still fun to play with?

If you want to live in a world of gloom and doom, that's on you.


Don't talk politics here idiot


This is not the gross bugs thread.


It's in times like this that shifting one's focus is an absolute necessity. Put on some deodorant and a short-sleeved shirt, go outside and turn in circles with your arms outstretched and sing, "Oh how nice the warmth feels on my arms!".

Maybe pants, too.


Like I needed an excuse to post this link:

But still, thanks.


No, no PB. The object of this thread is to help him think there IS still some hope for humanity. Put that away before you undo all my hard work.


If he can listen to that song and still be sad, he's done.


Well, yeah that's true - but it's a ways off. Overpopulation and global warming are going to do us in (unless technology beats them).

But hey, in terms of your own life - so they say and one agrees.....

"ANy day above ground is a good day"

You can make the best of any situation. It's freezing with a bunch of snow on the ground where I'm at (Western PA).

Still having a good time today. As long as I'm breathing, it's a great day.


I just love you JT.

And the more we as individuals do to make the best of our own situations, the better our world as a whole will be.


Oh thank you so much.

Exactly right. Celebrate life, don't focus on the bad, have a good time, get up and every day and enjoy.

You end up wasting the precious time you do get to be here by worrying about stupid things.

If you have problems, well everybody has them, you solve them and move on.

I don't consider hot weather a problem , LOL

Thanks again 4L - I can tell you have a good attitude about life - plus you're happy to be here as well.


As a species the only two things we probably wouldn't survive are impacts of huge asteroids and global nuclear war.
Other than that one cannot know on an individual level who will survive and how much property someone might lose, we might even lose all world economy in a global market crash, but there's no doubt humanity as a species will survive.
If you're living near LA it's quite understandable that you hear and read nothing else than news about the fires these days, but rest assured, other than a minute or so in the evening news and some news updates a few of times per day, there's barely any mentioning of the fires in LA here in Europe.

